Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Youth: Identities Transitions Cultures CfP

Tue Oct 05 15:29:16 GMT 2010

>Call for Papers
>Journal of Sociology (JoS)
>Special Issue 2011
>Youth: Identities, Transitions, Cultures
>Guest Editors:
>Dr Paula Geldens (Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
>Dr Siân Lincoln (Liverpool John Moores University, England)
>Dr Paul Hodkinson (University of Surrey, England)
>Special Issue Theme
>At the end of the first decade of the 21st 
>Century, in the context of rapid technological 
>change and extensive economic and social 
>uncertainty, the lives and identities of young 
>people continue to be the subject of a broad 
>range of scholarship which is as stimulating as 
>it is important. Yet such scholarship often has 
>fallen fairly clearly within discrete and 
>established traditions of youth research, such 
>as 'youth transitions' and 'youth cultures', 
>with only occasional dialogue between these.
>Building on the theme of the recent 
>international Youth 2010: Identities, 
>Transitions and Cultures conference (University 
>of Surrey 2010), this proposed special issue of 
>the Journal of Sociology (JoS) will aim 
>specifically to consider how the relationship 
>between identities, transitions and cultures 
>might be understood more integrally and 
>inter-changeably, thus entering into a dialogue 
>that has remained relatively under-explored in 
>youth studies to date. Our aim is to attract 
>papers which in some way address the interplay 
>of identities, transitions and cultures in local 
>and/or global contexts and which build on a 
>'global' sociology of youth. We therefore seek 
>papers in any of the following broad areas that somehow address this interplay:
>·         Education and training
>·         Inclusion and exclusion
>·         Employment , un-employment, under-employment
>·         Families and the domestic sphere
>·         Locality and community
>·         Economic hardship
>·         Criminality and criminalisation
>·         Media representations
>·         Use of media and communications (including social media)
>·         Gender and sexuality
>·         Ethnicity
>·         Class
>·         Public and private space
>·         Leisure, culture and tastes
>·         Consumption
>·         Cultural industries
>·         Music, style and leisure scenes
>·         Subcultures
>·         Political engagement
>·         Friendships, relationships and networks
>·         Methodologies
>An abstract of no more than 300 words should be 
>emailed to: Dr Siân Lincoln ( /at/ 
><mailto:( /at/>  by the 22nd October 2010
>Full papers will be between 4000-7000 words and 
>adhere to JoS requirements (for details see
>22nd October 2010: Abstract deadline
>29th October 2010: Notification of acceptance to 
>go through to full paper stage
>17th December 2010: Full paper submission deadline
>December/January 2011: Refereeing
>11th February 2011: Reviewer comments returned to authors
>22nd April 2011: Revised papers to be received
>30th June 2011: Final copy to JoS
>December 2011: Publication
>Dr. Sian Lincoln
>Senior Lecturer in Media Studies
>School of Humanities and Social Sciences
>Dean Walters Building
>Liverpool John Moores University
>St James Road
>L1 7BR
>0151 2315045

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