Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] CFP: Home of Metal - Heavy Metal and Place (1-4 Sept 2011; deadline 17 Dec 2010)

Wed Sep 29 13:43:45 GMT 2010

>Home of Metal: Heavy Metal and Place
>Capsule and the University of Wolverhampton
>Location: University of Wolverhampton
>Date: 1st - 4th September 2011
>Key note speakers:
>Prof. Scott Wilson, Kingston University (TBC)
>Prof. Deena Weinstein, DePaul University (TBC)
>The Heavy Metal movement is littered with accounts of its birth, not
>only concerning the origins of the sound, but also the geographical and
>political locations from which the music evolved. The now global
>phenomenon of Heavy Metal culture has seen much change in the sounds,
>styles and fashions over its 40 years of history, but is simultaneously
>acutely aware of its origins in Birmingham and the Black Country (UK).
>This conference on Metal and place aims to explore and evaluate the
>important role that location, heritage and place have in the origins of
>Heavy Metal and music in general. It will serve to engage in debate
>concerning values, histories and myths in the foundation of this
>movement and looking at the wider role of archiving music histories and
>current practice surrounding this.
>Home of Metal aims to celebrate the musical heritage of Birmingham and
>the Black Country.  This conference forms part of the "Home of Metal"
>exhibitions and festival taking place across Birmingham and the Black
>Country in the UK throughout 2011
>Home of Metal is a celebration of the music that was created in the West
>Midlands, its legacy and influence across the world. Bringing people
>together to share their passion by creating a digital archive,
>exhibitions, heritage tours and ultimately a permanent collection
>dedicated to telling the story of Metal and its unique birthplace.
>The Home of Metal programme 2011 will consist of 3 core exhibitions, 4
>heritage exhibitions, a film tour, conference and concerts.
>The organising committee is inviting submissions initially in the form
>of abstracts of no more than 300 words. Suggestions for panels will also
>be considered.  We are interested in contributions from areas of
>expertise in both academia and music and related professions, so that
>the event can speak to a range of participants.
>Examples of possible topics for presentation
>*         Heavy Metal origins and heritage
>*         Heavy Metal and belonging / sense of place
>*         Heavy Metal myths
>*         Heavy Metal identity / issues of gender / tribal association
>*         Heavy Metal and Class politics
>*         Heavy Metal and Aesthetics / influence on design / influence
>on contemporary art practice
>*         Music archives and exhibition / current and new methods in
>archiving practice
>Please send abstracts by email by 17th December to:
>Dr Niall Scott : (nwrscott /at/
>Dr Mark Jones : (markjones /at/
>Scanned by iCritical.

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