Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] CFP AAG 2011: Taking matters into third hands: intermediaries and the organization of the creative economy

Wed Sep 22 21:04:07 GMT 2010

>2nd Call for Papers
>Taking matters into third hands: intermediaries and the organization
>of the creative economy
>AAG 2011, Seattle, April 12-16, 2011
>Session organized by: Bas van Heur (Maastricht University) and Doreen
>Jakob (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
>For the past twenty years geographers have been analyzing the meaning,
>role and importance of the creative economy. It is heralded as a job
>and wealth creator and as a prominent tool for urban and regional
>revitalization. Whether one agrees with these assertions or not, the
>effectiveness and ethics of the creative economy will largely depend
>on the intermediaries that shape and regulate it. While much attention
>has been paid recently to the political projects that introduce a
>focus on the creative economy, less is known about the intermediaries
>that organize and govern it. When implementing dominant policy
>imaginaries, intermediaries translate and transform them in often
>unexpected ways.
>Various intermediaries shaping the development of the creative economy
>can be identified, including:  arts and cultural councils, policy
>networks, economic development agencies, foundations and unions to
>arts collectives, cultural centers, creative industries incubators,
>festivals and tradeshows as well as crowd-sourcing and web 2.0
>technologies or marketing and consumption websites. All these
>intermediaries are bound together by their critical involvement in and
>shaping of the production and consumption of creative goods and
>This session aims to investigate intermediaries and to further explore
>their role in producing the creative economy. We welcome papers from
>diverse conceptual and empirical perspectives that address one or more
>of the following themes:
>"       Comparisons between intermediaries in 
>various sectors of the creative economy
>"       Role of intermediaries in (re)producing 
>hierarchies and in- and exclusions
>"       Effectiveness of state-led creative economy initiatives in
>supporting change and innovation in existent creative networks
>"       Useful methods for analyzing intermediaries that move beyond
>mainstream policy mapping documents or generic academic critiques
>"       Impact of intermediaries on the organization of creative labor and
>producer-consumer relations
>"       Role of intermediaries in the development of new models of
>individual and collective creativity
>"       Hyper-instrumentality i.e. the potential of over-regulation as a
>result of the proliferation of creative economy intermediaries.
>Above all, this session aims to provide a forum to not only
>investigate these themes but also to establish a basis for future
>research on intermediaries in the creative economy.
>If interested, send a title and abstract (250 words) to Bas van Heur
>((b.vanheur /at/ and Doreen Jakob
>((djakob /at/ by October 1, 2010. Please contact us if you
>have any questions.
>Dr Doreen Jakob
>Visiting Scholar
>University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
>Department of Communication Studies
>Chapel Hill, NC, USA
>Research Associate
>German Research Foundation (DFG)
>Emmy Noether Research Group
>Urban Renaissance Mega-Projects
>Center for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin, Germany

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