Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Conference Media in crisis - Crisis in media / III. Slovak; Czech; Polish; Hungarian - Austrian Communication Forum

Tue Sep 21 12:00:27 GMT 2010

>III. Slovak; Czech; Polish; Hungarian - Austrian Communication Forum,
>DECEMBER 2-4 2010
>Already for a third time, scholars from the four Central European coutries
>plan to organize, meet and discuss the latest research, trends and issues
>in communication, media and politico-economic science. The first meeting
>took place in Ksiaz and Wroclaw in Poland (chief organizer was the
>University of Wroclaw), for the second time it was in Brno and Telè, Czech
>Republic (under the auspices of the Masaryk University and Czech Syndicate
>of Journalists) and now its time that the gathering will move to Slovakia.
>Faculty of Media, Pan European University (formerly Bratislava School of
>Law) is proud to be organizing the third meeting of scholars not only from
>Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria and Slovakia but from other
>European and foreign countries as well.
>Already the second conference was attended by scholars, lecturers, and
>university and media professionals from many European nations.
>Main organizer: Faculty of Media, Pan European University (formerly
>Bratislava School of Law), Slovakia
>Affiliated organizers: Embassy of the Unites States in the Slovak Republic
>- Embassy of the United
>Kingdom in the Slovak Republic - Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk
>University, Brno, Czech Republic
>- Polish Communication Association, Wroclaw, Poland - King Sigismund
>College, Budapest, Hungary -
>Janos Kodolanyi College, Szekesfehervar – Budapest, Hungary - Sales
>Manager Academy, Vienna, Austria
>The 2010 Meeting
>The topic of the 2010 meeting that is scheduled to take place in November
>is Crisis in Media, Media in Crisis. Since 2008, the global economy
>started to evolve signs of crisis and recession that have resulted in a
>global economic meltdown. Central European countries are no exceptions
>– here as well cuts and erosions into the long-established economic
>growth are being reported. The aim of this conference is to analyze and
>record the changes in the media industry and how it has mirrored on
>various aspects of the
>media presence and professionalism. Among issues analyzed will be
>recording any decline or growth in advertisement revenues, changes in
>consumers behavior (readership, circulation of print press), changes in
>foreign and domestic ownership structures, record any new investments and
>impact on employment of media workers, cultural and societal changes that
>could be observed in these crucial times.
>Scholars from around Central Europe, Europe and the rest of the world,
>will analyze what has happened, why are media in crisis and what will
>follow next for the industry that is regarded as the watchdog of democracy
>among others. Keynote speakers are in negotiations but are planned to be
>from top-ranked universities in the United States, United Kingdom,
>Germany, Russia and others.
>The conference papers are planned to be peer-reviewed and published at the
>Polish Edition of Global Media Journal.
>The conference is going to be split into these sections:
>Section 1: Impact of the 2008 Economic Crisis on Media
>Section 2: Changes in Media and Journalistic Professions
>Section 3: Cultural and Critical Aspects of Media Communication
>Section 4: Doctoral students section
>Conference fees:
>All Inclusive: includes 4-star hotel accomodation near the venue for two
>nights, all conference materials, attendance fees, coffee breaks, meals
>and reception € 150
>Reduced Standard fee (without Hotel accommodation): all conference
>materials, attendance fees, coffee breaks, meals and reception € 35
>Doctoral Students Fees: all conference materials, attendance fees, coffee
>breaks, meals and reception € 15 (additional payment for Hotel
>accommodation if needed)
>Conference Timeline
>Keynote speakers announcement: during September, 2010
>Abstract submission: by October 15, 2010
>Abstracts acceptance: by October 20, 2010
>Presentations during the conference December 2-4, 2010
>Submission contact: Zuzana Komárová – (zuzana.komarova /at/
>Secretaries of the conference: Branislav Ondrá¹ik and Zuzana Komárová
>Mgr. Zuzana Komárová
>Fakulta masmédií BV©P
>Tematínska 10
>851 05 Bratislava 5
>+421-2/6820 3649

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