Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] CfP Conference for e-democracy, Krems (Austria), 5-6 May 2011

Fri Sep 10 11:55:37 GMT 2010

Conference for e-democracy, e-participation and e-voting
5-6 May 2011
Danube University Krems, Austria

DEADLINE for Submissions: 1 December 2010

During the last 10 years, the world has focused on social media and the new forms of societal behaviour, including content generation, collaboration and sharing as well as network organisation. These behaviours and expectations, in particular transparency and access to data, new ways of interacting with government and democratic institutions will continue to develop, and profound changes in society are to be expected. Society has been confronted with  Open Government, Open Data and Open Access. What have the experiences been so far? How do these impact society, democratic structures and organisations? What changes occur at citizen level? What are the implications for democracy, society, science and business?

CeDEM11 presents the following tracks, which focus on these changes:
* Track: E-PARTICPATION with co-chairs:
Julia Glidden (21C Consulting, UK)
Jeremy Millard (Danish Technological Institute, DK)

* Track: OPEN ACCESS and OPEN DATA with co-chair:
Andy Williamson (Hansard Society, UK)

* Track: OPEN GOVERNMENT with co-chairs:
Philipp Müller (University of Salzburg, Business School, AT)
Axel Bruns (Queensland University of Technology, AUS)

* Track: E-VOTING with co-chairs:
Melanie Volkamer (Technical University Darmstadt, GER)
Thad Hall (University of Utah, USA)

We would like to invite individuals from academic, applied and practitioner backgrounds as well as public authorities, NGO/NPOs, education institutions and independent organisations to submit their research and project papers as well as workshop proposals related to the CeDEM11 Tracks. We welcome different multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches and disciplines including (but not limited to): law & legal studies, social sciences, computer sciences, political sciences, psychology, sociology, applied computer gaming and simulation, democratic theory, media and communication sciences.

Conference Chairs:
Peter Parycek (Danube University Krems, AT)
Manuel J. Kripp (E-Voting.CC, AT)
Noella Edelmann (Danube University Krems, AT)
Conference Website:

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