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[ecrea] Perception, Reception and Deception: - Media History Conference- Dublin April 2011 - Second Call

Tue Sep 07 13:28:45 GMT 2010

>Perception, Reception and Deception:
>The role of the media in society
>Second Call
>Trinity College Dublin, 19-21 April 2011
>The 4th biennial Media History conference will focus on the ways in 
>which people have understood the social, cultural and political 
>roles of the media over the past five centuries. The concept of 'the 
>media' will be interpreted broadly, so as to include newspapers, 
>magazines and one-off publications which included news and 
>information, as well as manuscript, aural, visual, and broadcast and 
>other electronic sources.
>A great deal of work has been done by scholars on the institutional, 
>political and cultural history of various forms of media. 
>'Perception, Reception and Deception' will build on this literature 
>to explore the ways in which print, manuscript, visual 
>representations and the broadcast media have been understood, 
>conceptualised, and imaginatively represented in the societies in 
>which they were produced. It will, in other words, focus not on 
>media production but on the reception, depiction and perception of 
>the media by individuals and groups of individuals in a variety of 
>different contexts over time.
>How have readers, consumers, and the industry itself framed 
>arguments about the media as a force for good (or evil) at different 
>points in time? Have contemporaries always seen the media as an 
>agent of change, or is there a counter-history of the media to be 
>written in terms of promoting conservatism, deference and order? How 
>have people understood and represented the media in terms of 
>concepts of personal and geographical space, time and changing 
>belief systems?  Can we think 'internationally' about the 
>similarities and differences between perceptions of the media in 
>different states and nations over time, or is the media still best 
>understood and examined in largely local or regional 
>contexts?   How, in short, have men and women answered in different 
>contexts the apparently simple questions, 'what is the media, and 
>what is it for?'
>Abstracts, of no more than 200 words for papers of between 20 to 25 
>minutes duration, should be sent by close of business on 30 
>September 2010 to 
><mailto:(Mediahistory2011 /at/>(Mediahistory2011 /at/
>We welcome proposals from a range of chronological, geographical and 
>methodological backgrounds.
>'Perception, Reception and Deception' is jointly organised by the 
><>Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity 
>College Dublin, the 
>For Media History, Aberystwyth University, and the journal 
><>Media History.
>Additional enquiries can be directed to one or more of the 
>following: <mailto:(jmcellig /at/>Dr. Jason McElligott, 
><mailto:%(20shn /at/>Dr Sian Nicholas or 
><mailto:(tpo /at/>Professor Tom O'Malley..

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
New Book:
Trans-Reality Television
The Transgression of Reality, Genre, Politics, and Audience.
Lexington. (Sofie Van Bauwel & Nico Carpentier eds.)^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0739131885
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