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[ecrea] Youth culture conference in Estonia

Fri Sep 03 19:53:51 GMT 2010

>Youth (Sub)cultures in Changing Societies
>Centre for Lifestyles StudiesInstitute for 
>International and Social Studies, Tallinn University,
>Tallinn, Estonia, 2-4 February 2011
>Keynote speakers:
>    * Andy Bennett Youth Cultures and Ageing
>    * Ross Haenfler Deviance and Youth Subcultures
>    * Paul Hodkinson New Media and Youth Cultures
>    * Hilary Pilkington Youth Cultures in Eastern Europe
>    * Mikko Salasuo New and Old Approaches to Youth Cultures: The
>      Scandinavian Case
>Rapid technological developments, structural 
>changes in the society and economic uncertainty 
>influence lifestyles of young people. One of the 
>possibilities for identification and belonging 
>is participation in different youth cultures. 
>Youth (sub)cultures are oriented towards choices 
>in music, style, sports or politics, but at the 
>same time determined by structural 
>circumstances. As the media tends to focus on 
>their negative aspects, distinctive youth 
>lifestyles have often been associated with 
>deviance. The latter is especially the case in 
>Eastern Europe, where the society has for a long 
>time been understood as homogeneous, and where a 
>plurality of lifestyles has only recently began to surface.
>The conference investigates the impact of 
>choices and structural restrictions on youth 
>cultures in times of social change. The main 
>focus is on the question whether youth cultures 
>are deviant or only distinctive lifestyles. 
>Other questions concern, e.g., the role of youth 
>cultures in multicultural society; the status of 
>different youth (sub)cultures; and the changes 
>that international subcultures undergo when 
>being diffused to new societies ­ what do they tell about the host society?
>The subject of the conference can be approached 
>from different perspectives. In the 21^st 
>century, youth cultures are more diverse than 
>ever, and all papers shedding new light on the 
>topic are welcome. Selected papers of the 
>conference will be published in the journal 
>Studies of Transition States and Societies in a 
>special issue on youth cultures.
>Abstracts should not be more than *200 words* 
>and include information about the theoretical 
>framework of the research, the methodology 
>employed, and the contribution of the paper. 
>Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to Maarja 
>Kobin, (maarja.kobin /at/ 
><mailto:(maarja.kobin /at/> *by 30 September 
>2010 *at the latest. General inquiries regarding 
>the event should be addressed to Airi-Alina 
>Allaste, (airi-alina.allaste /at/ <mailto:(airi-alina.allaste /at/>
>More information on conference website
>*Please distribute this call for papers to 
>anybody who might be interested. Thank you!*
>Prof Dr Airi-Alina Allaste
>Director of Institute of International and Social Studies, Tallinn University
>Uus-Sadama 5
>10120 Tallinn, Estonia

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
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