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[ecrea] CFP - the international history of public relations conference

Thu Aug 26 09:31:30 GMT 2010

>6-7 July 2011
>Organised by the Centre for Public Communication Research (CPCR) at
>The Media School, Bournemouth University, Poole, England
>Papers especially welcomed from Asian, African and Latin American scholars
>Academics, practitioners and research students 
>are invited to submit competitive abstracts and 
>papers for presentation at The International 
>History of Public Relations Conference (IHPRC) 
>to be held on 6-7 July 2011 at Bournemouth University.
>The first IHPRC was held in July this year and 
>attracted more than 80 delegates from 13 
>countries to hear two keynote speakers and 34 
>refereed papers over two days. The conference 
>was considered by all to be very successful 
>ââ¬â¬S and an important development in public 
>relations scholarship. More details, including 
>the keynote presentations, are available at
>Papers for presentation at the 2011 conference 
>will be selected, after peer review, on the 
>basis of abstracts, of no more than two pages 
>total length, including any references. Author 
>details are to be printed on a separate sheet 
>and the author(s) should not be identified in 
>the abstract. Abstracts must be presented in 
>Word format, in 1.5 line spacing and 12 point font size.
>Manuscripts of the selected papers are to be 
>submitted with Harvard referencing and according 
>to the Journal of Communication Management 
>editorial style found at: 
>The manuscript of 3000 to 6000 words, plus 
>references, must be presented in Word format, in 
>1.5 line spacing and 12 point font size.
>- Submission of abstracts: Monday, December 6, 2010
>- Acceptance notification (by email): Monday, January 24, 2011
>- Submission of selected papers: Monday, June 6, 2011
>All accepted abstracts will be published online 
>prior to the conference programme. Papers 
>selected for the Conference will be published in the IHPRC Proceedings.
>Conference Themes
>As this is the second international conference 
>on the History of Public Relations, the range of 
>conference themes has remained broad and those 
>listed below are the starting point for 
>consideration, rather than a finite list.
>- Public relations in history before it became a named or defined discipline
>- Alternative approaches to the history of 
>public relations, e.g. on the basis of culture 
>(personal networks and influence) or via definitions of public relations
>- The evolving naming of the field from 
>propaganda and press agentry to corporate communications
>- The history of public relations and its 
>developing or diverging relationships with other 
>disciplines like marketing, HR, legal and corporate governance
>- The evolution of public relations in nations 
>or parts of government or industry
>- Seminal personalities or events that shaped 
>the formation of public relations as a 
>discipline (This can also include challenges to 
>the ââ¬ÅGreat Manââ¬Â or ââ¬ÅGreat Womanââ¬Â approach)
>- Key books or articles (or series of both) that 
>have influenced public relations
>- The history of political public relations and lobbying
>- The history of public relations education
>- The evolution of public relations theory(ies) 
>over time - from propaganda to dialogue; the 
>history of schools of thinking in public relations
>- Formative influences on public relations 
>theory and practice, such as in or by government, industry or consultancy
>- The formation of industry and professional 
>bodies and their impact, over time, on public relations practice and education
>- The evolution of public relations education, 
>training and continuing professional development
>- The impact of technology, over time, upon 
>public relations practice and theory
>- Archival sources for the history of public relations
>- The theories and processes of researching the history of public relations
>- Oral histories of public relations; the role of this methodology
>Papers are especially welcomed from scholars in 
>Asia, Africa and Latin America.
>Please send abstracts to Prof Tom Watson, 
>Conference Chair, The Media School, Bournemouth 
>University, email: (prhistory /at/  by Monday, December 6, 2010.
>The Conference Venue
>As in 2010, the conference will be held at 
>Bournemouth Universityââ¬â¢s Executive 
>Business Centre. Conference Registration will be 
>arranged through with 
>details of tickets to be announced shortly.

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