Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Call for papers Journalistica

Wed Aug 25 15:25:03 GMT 2010

Call for Papers - Journalistica
Today, status updates, tweets and wall postings are all messengers of news. For journalism this change implies new ways of working with sources, new ways to find inspiration for stories and new ways to collaborate with readers, listeners, viewers and users. How do social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter influence our understanding of the ’public sphere’? Given that transparency and dataveillance is one of the main characteristics of today's digital living, this question is of central importance to our understand of "the public". How are journalists to cope with the cacophony of digital voices on social networking sites, where network participants no longer have reverence for journalistic products? These products are no longer as unchallenged as they once were when they are published and remixed in a social media environment. We welcome submissions that address how social media is changing journalism, the practice of journalism, the role of the news media in society and the ways that news is being consumed. We encourage submissions from a broad range of perspectives and disciplines.

Submission deadline: November 1, 2010. Publication date: February 2011. Journalistica accepts articles written Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and English. Scandinavian contributors are kindly asked to submit in their native language.

For submitting online, please go to:

In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact Lars Holmgaard Christensen ((lhc /at/, editor of this issue of Journalistica.

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