Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] cfp: European Cinema in the Digital Era? - Industries & Cultures Crossing Borders

Mon Aug 23 19:33:02 GMT 2010

Call for abstracts

European Cinema in the Digital Era?
- Industries & Cultures Crossing Borders

The University of Copenhagen, November 24th-25th 2010?
International Research Seminar organized by Cemes Young Scholars (CYS)
Centre for Modern European Studies (CEMES)
Department of Media, Cognition and Communication?
University of Copenhagen?

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Mary P. Wood, University of London, UK
Anders Marklund, University of Lund, Sweden

This research seminar seeks to establish a network of young 
researchers as well as creating a constructive dialogue with more 
established researchers focusing on the contemporary European cinema.
The main aim of this research seminar is to discuss contemporary 
European cinema from two perspectives - industry and culture. In this 
way we hope to bring together researchers focusing on the European? 
film industry, different modes of film production, circulation and 
consumption as well as the 'migratory habits' within the industry.
We would very much like to focus on studies on film festivals as well 
as on 'national' consumption. This seminar's crossing borders 
perspective also includes how new media has become important for the 
film industry, and film culture in general, on different levels 
making this perspective relevant for the preservation, promotion, 
distribution and? indeed (on-line) consumption of contemporary 
European cinema.
The research seminar will consist of lectures by keynote speakers and 
presentations by the participants. The keynotes will also be asked to 
be respondents as well as active participants in the seminar.
If you are PhD. fellow or a junior researcher interested in the 
topics above you are hereby invited to mail you abstract proposal to? 
Associate Professor Helle Kannik Haastrup, University of Roskilde: 
(kannik /at/ and Ph.D. fellow Spela Zajec, University of Copenhagen: 
(zajec /at/ Deadline: October 1. 2010.

CEMES can offer to pay for transportation and accommodation for a 
limited number of participants only.

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