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[ecrea] cfp Panel: "Digital politics: Collective action born in and from the Internet"

Tue Aug 10 20:10:28 GMT 2010

>Panel: "Digital politics: Collective action born in and from the Internet"
>Section Internet & Politics - ECPR General Conference in Reykjavik in 2011
>Deadline first round of call for papers abstracts: 30st August 2010
>Send papers proposal to: mayo.fuster(at)
>Panel abstract: So far, political science research has focused on the
>use of the Internet by collective political actors that had their main
>operational base in the offline realm. First studies on the Internet
>and politics mainly concentrated mostly on well-established and
>traditional actors such public administration and political parties.
>Then the cope of research widened to include interest groups, NGOs and
>social movements looking at the impact of the Internet and the type of
>Internet use carried out by those groups. In particular, given the
>growing importance of political campaigns and other forms of
>collective action that are launched and carried out by networks of
>political actors, that mainly, if not completely operate and mobilize
>for their issues online, the debate on the Internet and politics could
>benefit further from considering actors who mainly operation with an
>online base. Interestingly, the emergence of collective action in
>online environments apparently follows new forms of "networked" forms
>of action and collaboration that are said to be different from
>political actors with a mainly offline base. The panel "Digital
>politics" aims to iniciate a discussion on the main organizational and
>democratic logic of the collective action born in and from the
>Internet addressing questions such as: What are the main
>characteristics of participation in online base collective action? How
>are boundaries drawn between the individual and the collective in such
>forms? How can we deal with the dialectics of individualization on one
>hand and the effects of de-personalization on the other hand that are
>inscribed in online spaces? How is the online space governed and how
>does its architecture structure online interaction? Finally, which
>methods are best suited to analyze the practices and dynamics of
>collective action online adequately?
>Co-chairs: Mayo Fuster Morell (European University Institute) and
>Johanna Niesyto (University of Siegen)
>Discussant: Sigrid Baringhorst (University of Siegen)
>About the co-chairs:
>Mayo Fuster Morell did a doctoral research on â¬SThe Governance of
>platforms of participation for the building of digital commons⬝
>supervised by Prof. Donatella della Porta at the European University
>Institute. She explores the democratic logic of the Internet in
>knowledge-making processes and the relationship between governance
>model and community growth. She compares World Social Forum, Flickr,
>Wikihow and Wikipedia governance models
>( Last year she was visiting
>researcher at the School of Information ⬠UC Berkeley and provided
>teaching assistance at the Communication Department ⬠Stanford
>University. She co-wrote the books â¬SRethinking political organisation
>in an age of movements and networks⬝ (XL Editorial: Rome 2007);
>â¬SActivist research and social movements⬝ (Spanish) (El Viejo Topo:
>Barcelona 2005); and â¬SGuide for social transformation of Catalonia⬝
>(Catalan) (Edicions Col.lectives: Barcelona 2003). Mayo Fuster Morell
>is promotor of the International forum on free culture and access to
>knowledge ( and Networked Politics Collaborative
>research (
>Johanna Niesyto is PhD student in political sciences. She works as
>research fellow in the project â¬ÜChanging Protest and Media Culturesâ¬"
>at the Collaborative Research Centre â¬ÜMedia Upheavalsâ¬" at the
>University of Siegen (Germany). Her key interests cover globalization,
>public spaces, democracy, political campaigns, contentious politics,
>political consumerism, cyber culture and social web. In her thesis she
>looks at Wikipedia as translingual public space of political knowledge
>production. Johanna is co-editor and author of "Politik mit dem
>Einkaufswagen" (Politics with the shopping trolley) and "Political
>Campaigning on the Web". Also, she has helped organizing several
>conferences such as CPOV ( For
>more information see:
>About the discussant:
>Sigrid Baringhorst (Prof. Dr. phil.) is working as professor at the
>department of social sciences in the field of comparative political
>studies and political sociology. She is director of the research
>project â¬"Changing Protest and Media Culturesâ¬" at the Collaborative
>Research Centre â¬ÜMedia Upheavalsâ¬" at the University of Siegen
>(Germany). Her key interest cover political communication, social
>movement studies and politics and policies of migration. She is
>co-editor and author of numerous publications such as "Politik mit dem
>Einkaufswagen" (Politics with the shopping trolley), "Political
>Campaigning on the Web" and "Politik als Kampagne" (Politics as
>Mayo Fuster Morell
>E-mail: (lilaroja /at/
>Skype: mayoneti

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
New Book:
Trans-Reality Television
The Transgression of Reality, Genre, Politics, and Audience.
Lexington. (Sofie Van Bauwel & Nico Carpentier eds.)^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0739131885
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