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[ecrea] Call for Papers: Journal of Chinese Cinemas

Thu Jul 29 21:19:06 GMT 2010

>Call for Papers: Journal of Chinese Cinemas 
>Special Issue on From Diasporic Cinemas to Sinophone Cinemas
>Guest Editors: Audrey Yue and Olivia Khoo
> From the critical and popular acclaim of Ang 
> Lees Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (2000) to 
> the Asian Australian success of Tony Ayress 
> The Home Song Stories (2007), diasporic Chinese 
> cinemas have created new filmic sites and 
> visual practices that engage the complex 
> relations between the constructs of China, 
> Chinese and Chineseness. While the notion 
> of diaspora has broadened these concepts to new 
> areas and new objects of inquiry, Chineseness 
> remains largely a question of ethnicity, bound to nationality.
>In Visuality and Identity: Sinophone 
>Articulations Across the Pacific, Shu-mei Shih 
>(2007) invokes the notion of the Sinophone to 
>respond to the expiry date of the Chinese 
>diaspora as second and third generations become 
>more localized. As a critical concept, the 
>Sinophone removes the emphasis on ethnicity and 
>nationality, and instead highlights communities 
>of Sinitic language cultures spoken and used 
>outside China and on the margins of China and 
>Chineseness. The Sinophone network connects new 
>visualities and communities that have emerged as 
>a result of global capitalism; it critiques home 
>and host cultures, reflecting multi-accented, 
>multilingual histories of transnational migration.
>This special issue, edited by Audrey Yue and 
>Olivia Khoo, focuses on the new cinemas 
>emanating from the Sinophone network, and is 
>scheduled for publication in early 2012. The 
>editors of the special issue now invite abstract 
>submissions of 250-300 words on any of the following aspects:
>§ the political economy of Sinophone film 
>production, distribution, consumption and regulation;
>§ cinematic practices of Sinophone resistance, complicity and transformation;
>§ Sinophone communities as sites of cultural production;
>§ new Sinophone visual economies and cultures;
>§ examples of multilingual, multidialect or 
>multi-accented Sinophone cinema in their 
>historical, social or cultural contexts;
>§ comparative Sinophone film studies;
>§ papers in defense of diasporic Chinese 
>cinema frameworks and critiquing the Sinophone model.
>Each abstract should:
>·     include your name, email and postal address, and institution;
>·     offer a summary of how your proposed essay 
>engages the critical framework of Sinophone cinema.
>Important dates:
>·     Deadline for abstract submissions: 1 December 2010
>·     Acceptance notice: 15 January 2011
>·     Deadline for paper (6000-8000 words) submission: 1 June 2011
>Abstract submissions (as word documents by email 
>attachment) to: Audrey Yue (University of 
>Melbourne, Australia): <(aisy /at/>(aisy /at/
>Contact for journal information: Song Hwee Lim 
>(Chief Editor, Journal of Chinese Cinemas): 
><(S.H.Lim /at/>(S.H.Lim /at/
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Nico Carpentier (Phd)
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