Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Call For Papers: Moving Image Review and Art Journal (MIRAJ)

Mon Jul 26 10:18:14 GMT 2010

>Call For Papers: Moving Image Review and Art Journal (MIRAJ)
>The Moving Image Review and Art Journal (MIRAJ) 
>is the first peer-reviewed publication devoted 
>to artists film and video, and its contexts. It 
>is published twice a year in print by Intellect 
>Books in collaboration with the University of 
>the Arts London. MIRAJ offers a widely 
>distributed international forum for debates 
>surrounding all forms of artists moving image and media artworks.
>The editors invite contributions from art 
>historians and critics, film and media scholars, 
>curators, and, not least, practitioners. We seek 
>pieces that offer theories of the present moment 
>but also writings that propose historical re-readings. We welcome essays that:
>·     re-view canonical works and texts, or 
>identify ruptures in the standard histories of artists film and video;
>·     discuss the development of media arts, 
>including the history of imaging technologies, 
>as a strand within the history of art;
>·     address issues of the ontology and 
>medium-specificity of film, video and new media, 
>or the entanglement of the moving image in a post-medium condition;
>·     attempt to account for the rise of 
>projected and screen-based images in 
>contemporary art, and the social, technological, 
>or political-economic effects of this proliferation;
>·     investigate interconnections between 
>moving images and still images; the role of sound;
>·     the televisual; and the interaction of the 
>moving image with other elements including 
>technology, human presence and the installation environment;
>·     analyse para-cinematic or extra-cinematic 
>works to discover what these tell us about 
>cinematic properties such as temporal 
>progression or spectatorial immersion or mimetic representation;
>·     explore issues of subjectivity and spectatorship;
>·     investigate the spread of moving images 
>beyond the classical spaces of the cinema and 
>galleries, across multiple institutions, sites and delivery platforms;
>·     consider the diverse uses of the moving 
>image in art: from political activism to pure 
>sensory and aesthetic pleasure, from reportage 
>to documentary testimony, from performativity to 
>social                    networking;
>·     suggest new methods of theorizing and writing the moving image.
>We welcome work that intersects with other 
>academic disciplines and artistic practices. We 
>encourage writing that is lucid without compromising intellectual rigour.
>We publish the following types of writing: 
>scholarly articles (50008000 words); opinion 
>pieces or polemics (1000 words); feature 
>articles and interviews (3000 words); reviews of 
>books, exhibitions, and events (15003000 
>words). Only scholarly articles will be blind 
>peer-reviewed.  All writings should propose a 
>central idea or thesis argued through a discussion of the work under review.
>All submissions should be in English and adhere 
>to the Intellect Style Guide 
>For scholarly articles, please submit completed 
>manuscripts. For all other types of writing, 
>please only submit 500 word proposals in the 
>first instance.  Send all contributions and 
>proposals by e-mail in DOC or RTF format to the 
>Editorial Assistant, Kate Pelling, University of 
>the Arts London: <(k.pelling /at/>(k.pelling /at/
>Deadline for all submissions: 31 January 2011
>Are you interested in Intellect or our publications? Find us online...
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>For additional information please contact:
>James Campbell | Marketing
>E: <(james /at/ intellectbooks.htm)>(james /at/
>T: +44 (0) 117 958 9916

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
New Book:
Trans-Reality Television
The Transgression of Reality, Genre, Politics, and Audience.
Lexington. (Sofie Van Bauwel & Nico Carpentier eds.)^DB/CATALOG.db&eqSKUdata=0739131885
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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