Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] CFP: Doing Women's Film History 13-15 April 2011: University of Sunderland

Tue Jun 15 15:53:49 GMT 2010

>Womens Film History Network  UK/Ireland
>Doing Womens Film History: Reframing
>Cinema Past and Future
>13-15 April 2011
>Centre for Research in Media and Cultural Studies: University of Sunderland
>Despite their marginalization in film history, 
>women have always been widely involved in and 
>around cinema as: producers, directors, 
>scriptwriters, cinematographers, editors, 
>designers, actresses, sound designers, voice 
>coaches, composers, distributors, programmers, 
>cinema managers, publicists, critics, audiences, 
>and so on. This international conference brings 
>together researchers, archivists, librarians, 
>filmmakers, website and database designers to 
>explore new research in womens film history, 
>its future development, and its impact on 
>approaches to cinema and film history itself.
>We welcome individual case-studies of women 
>working in or around silent, sound and digital 
>cinemas, in different national contexts, or 
>across different media; papers on 
>historiographic, socio-economic and aesthetic 
>issues (including the impact of the womens 
>movement); and considerations of the future of 
>womens film history posed by globalization, 
>digital media and changes in archiving and 
>databasing. Proposals for papers might include issues such as:
>    * sources and methodologies for gender-oriented film research
>    * strategies for archiving, preservation and programming of womens films
>    * impact of women on cinema as audiences, campaigners, fans
>    * womens career moves from other creative media into cinema
>    * future histories of womens movement film 
> workshops and recent filmmaking
>    * cross-national connections and comparisons
>    * relationship between feminism and womens history
>    * usefulness of womens cinema as a 
> category in post-feminist and digital contexts
>    * significance of womens film history to womens film practice now
>    * curriculum issues, e.g: critical canons, teaching and film availability
>    * womens film historiography: filling gaps or changing film history?
>Contributions from post-graduate researchers are 
>welcome and some bursaries offered. Womens 
>History Review, Journal of British Cinema and 
>Television and Framework have indicated interest 
>in publishing suitable papers, subject to reviewers reports.
>Keynote speakers and panelists will be confirmed in October.
>The conference will include screenings, forums 
>on teaching women's film history, the film 
>studies curriculum, and the future organization 
>and web presence of the Womens Film History Network.
>Proposals (150 word limit) for presentations of 
>20 minutes (including audiovisual material) 
>should be sent by 1 December 2010 to: Lianne 
>Hopper, The David Puttnam Media Centre, Sir Tom 
>Cowie Campus at St Peters, St Peters Way, 
>Sunderland, SR6 ODD, UK; or by email to: 
><mailto:(wfhconference /at/>(wfhconference /at/ 
>For more information about the Network and 
>Conference please visit our wiki at 

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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