Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] cfp: 30 years of communication geopolitics: actors and flows, structures and divides

Sat Jun 12 10:30:38 GMT 2010

Call for papers
19th November 2010
30 years of communication geopolitics: actors and flows, structures and divides

30 years after the official presentation, in 
Belgrade, of the Report of the MacBride
Commission, under the aegis of UNESCO on the New 
World Information and Communication
Order (NWICO) and 5 years after the conclusion, 
in Geneva, of the World Summit on the
Information Society (WSIS), a colloquium will be 
held in Paris in November 2010 devoted to these
key events that have marked the debates on 
international information and communication.
The research group Médias et information du Nord et du Sud  du NOMIC au SMSI
comprises researchers of Paris 8, Paris 3 and 
Nice Universities, and is supported by the Maison
des Sciences de lHomme Paris-Nord. Since 2000, 
it examines the debates on the free flow of
information, on the imbalance of information 
flows and on the information society. It
identifies the different phases that have 
characterised these debates and the contradictions
fostered by information and communication 
technologies (ICT) as a vector of social and economic
development. It further analyses topical issues 
in the theoretical debate and the geopolitical,
economic and cultural consequences; it highlights 
recurring and novel features that mark the
debate on the globalisation of information.
The colloquium will be held on 19th of November 2010, in Maison des Sciences de
lHomme de Paris-Nord: it will highlight the 
major theoretical and political issues of NWICO and
WSIS. It will seek to draw up a balance-sheet of 
the issues and actors involved.
The colloquium will build on the contributions of 
participants and highlight historical and
international actors who will testify to their 
role in these debates. Filmed interviews of key figures
will be featured.

Key words of the colloquium:
Infrastructures, Networks and Flows, Imbalances, 
Failures and progress, Individual actors,
Institutions, The State, Civil Society, 
Internationalisation and globalisation, Transnational
information and communication corporations
On the basis of the above-listed key words, 
kindly submit an outline comprising 1500-2000
characters. Please indicate which of the three 
periods your proposal highlights:
1) NWICO (1970s-1980s)
2) Period from NWICO to the WSIS
3) WSIS (the 2000s)
Proposals should be sent by July 28 to the following electronic addresses:
(jeremie.nicey /at/ and (julia.pohle /at/
Working languages: English and French
Scientific Committee:
Divina FRAU-MEIGS, Professor, Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle
Michael PALMER, Professor, Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle
Patricio TUPPER, Professor, Université Paris VIII
Camille LAVILLE, Senior lecturer, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis
Jérémie NICEY, PhD Graduate, Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle
Julia POHLE, PhD Student, Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle
28th July 2010: Deadline for proposals
7th September 2010: Feedback from the Scientific Committee
15th October 2010: Deadline for final papers (5000 words)
19th November 2010: Colloquium in Maison des Sciences de lHomme de Paris-Nord
(4 rue de la Croix Faron, Plaine St-Denis/Stade de France, 93210 Saint-Denis)
Kindly note :
! Travel and accomodation is not funded.
! The programme and the abstracts will be accessible online in September.
! The final papers will be published 
electronically (as of December 2010-January 2011)
and/or in print.

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