Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] International Conference Qatar University

Tue Jun 08 09:43:56 GMT 2010

>You are cordially invited to join us for our 2010 International conferen=
>ce ( International Conference on the Trends of 21ST century Mass Communi=
>cation=3A Strategic=2C Ethical=2C and Multicultural Challenges and  Pros=
>pects (ICTMC) to be held at Qatar University on November 30- December 1=2C=
>  with a global focus on new trends of the field of Mass communication=2C=
>  strategic=2C ethical and multicultural challenges pertained to theory=2C=
>  practice=2C roles=2C processes=2C and issues of concern to Mass Communi=
>cation scholars and practitioners=2E
>The two-day international conference serves as a bridge between practiti=
>oners and scholars=2C providing an intellectual and professional environ=
>ment in a media center- city of Doha=2C Qatar=2E This will be an opportu=
>nity to exchange ideas and information on relevant current issues facing=
>   Mass Communication as a profession=2E We are interested in new practic=
>es=2C relationships=2C thinking=2C and attitudes created by the shifting=
>  and evolving models of mass communication and their prospects and chall=
>enges=2E =
>We encourage submissions from both professionals and scholars in the fie=
>ld of Mass Communication=2E Abstracts for original research=2C case stud=
>ies and other life lessons=2C panel discussions=2C workshops or demonstr=
>ations=2C or a complete session devoted to an issue are welcome=2E We al=
>so welcome papers and panels on a wide range of topics in either Arabic =
>or English (for further details refer to the Call for Papers section)=2E=
>  We also encourage roundtable discussion panels or other formats=2E
>Key-note speaker=3A
>Prof=2E John Lavine=2C Dean of Medill at Northwestern University=2C Prof=
>essor and Founder=2C Media Management Center=2E =
>Call for Papers=3A
>In the culturally diverse and interconnected world of today=2C the role =
>of mass media in creating a safe=2C tranquil and indulgent human environ=
>ment is paramount=2E The increased pace of globalization is forcing nati=
>ons into a single unified global theatre in which the study=2C research =
>and practice of mass communication is extending into new horizons=2E The=
>  strategies and practices of communication must=2C therefore=2C be vibra=
>nt enough to meet the needs of such changes through which the world is p=
>assing=2E Several areas of intellectual interaction come to focus when s=
>uch an issue is discussed=2C such as=3A =
>Nations of the world have come to recognize this reality and have=2C the=
>refore=2C set themselves to meet the challenges of such emphasis of comm=
>unication=2C and the media of such communication=2E
>How  Mass Communication and media trends of the 21st century impact  edu=
>cation and citizens=3F
>The prominence of values and ethics of mass communication in a world muc=
>h closer=2C yet with different values=3B and the challenges to mass medi=
>a practices of this close and culturally diverse world=2E
>=A7  The challenges and opportunities of diversity in media audience and=
>  institutions=2C and the impact of such diversity on the goals and pract=
>ices of journalism=2E
>=A7   The opportunities of teaching and researching mass communication i=
>n a culturally interconnected global world=2C and the means of utilizing=
>  such opportunities to improve the quality of journalism in the developi=
>ng world=2E
>=A7  The role and place of newly emerging media hubs and centers of the =
>developing world in uplifting the quality of media practices in the deve=
>loping world=2E
>These and other relevant issues constitute the basis for a forum/confere=
>nce of intellectual discussion on mass media in this part of the world=2E=
>  The goal of such forum is to provide a map that would help in guiding p=
>ractitioners and educators in the field along the path to the future=2E =
>The main themes of the conference are to include=2C but are not limited =
>to=2C the following=3A
>=A7  Mass media in a multicultural world=3A the practitioners=92 perspec=
>=A7  Ethics and New Media
>=A7  Ethics of investigating and reporting local and international issue=
>s =
>=A7  Ethical Dilemmas of Journalists =
>=A7  Global Issues of censorship=2C freedom of the press and in-depth re=
>=A7  Personal vs=2E professional value systems
>=A7  Effect of social change on media ethics
>=A7  Effect of 3G mobile phones on ethics
>=A7  Effect of religion on media ethics
>=A7  The myth of universalism in journalistic ethics
>=A7  Journalistic ethics between universal standards and diverse communi=
>=A7  Media audience and practitioners diversity=3A challenges and opport=
>=A7  Diversity in the study and practice of the field of Mass Communicat=
>=A7  Identity and Gender in Multicultural environment
>=A7  Strategic Communication in the 21st century
>=A7  Diversity of characters portrayed in Television programs/shows
>=A7  Effect of the online social networks on diversity
>=A7  Media Diversity=3A inclusive or racist
>=A7  The Intersection of issues of Diversity and Ethics in the field of =
>International Advertising =
>=A7  Perspectives on teaching and researching mass media in the a global=
>  interconnected world=2E
>  =
>  =
>English abstracts must conform to APA standards=2E Both Arabic and Engli=
>sh abstracts should be sent electronically as a Microsoft Word attachmen=
>t=2E All technical equipment requests must be made at the time of submis=
>sion=2E Laptop computers and data shows will be made available for prese=
>ntations=2E =
>If you are interested in Chairing a panel session=2C kindly let us know =
>by the abstract-submission deadline=2C June 30=2E =
>  =
>Guidelines for abstract submission of research papers=2C focused panels =
>and round-table discussions=3A
>Abstracts should consist of=3A
>=A7  First page=3A A title page with the contact information (name=2C po=
>sition=2C organization=2C mail address=2C email address=2C phone and fax=
>) and the title=2E =
>=A7  Second page=3A a 150-300 word abstract that summarizes the purpose=2C=
>  approach and findings=2E The abstract should state the paper type (case=
>  study=2C editorial=2C research=2C etc=2E)=2E Six key words=2E =
>Summissions may be sent to Dr=2E Saadia Malik=2C Head of Department of M=
>ass Communication=2C Qatar University at  smalik=40qu=2Eedu=2Eqa=2E Or t=
>hey may be uploaded on the conference website=2E =
>7=2E      Important dates=3A =
>The deadline for submitting abstracts is June August 15th=2C 2010=2E You=
>  will be notified of the result by September 1st=2C 2010=2E The deadline=
>  for submitting the complete paper is October 15th=2C 2010=2E =
>Online registration will be available July 30- August 30=2C 2010=2E The =
>registration fee is =24100=2C which includes a coffee break and lunch on=
>  the two days of the conference=2E This fee also includes one dinner at =
>the venue of the conference and one site-seeing outing=2E
>8=2E      Conference proceedings=3A
>The Department of Mass Communication will publish the conference papers =
>in a conference proceeding and they will be posted on the event website=2E=
>  =
>Further publishing opportunities will be offered at the conference=2E
>9=2E      Accommodation and Transport=3A
>Special rates are available for participants =
>10=2E  Visa Information=3A =
>Nationals of USA=2C Britain=2C France=2C Italy=2C Germany=2C Canada=2C A=
>ustralia=2C New Zealand=2C Japan=2C Netherlands=2C Belgium=2C Luxemburg=2C=
>  Switzerland=2C Austria=2C Sweden=2C Norway=2C Denmark=2C Portugal=2C Ir=
>eland=2C Greece=2C Finland=2C Spain=2C Monaco=2C Vatican=2C Iceland=2C H=
>onduras=2C Saint Marino=2C Liechtenstein=2C Brunei=2C Singapore=2C Malay=
>sia=2C Hong Kong=2C and South Korea can apply for an entry visa upon arr=
>ival at the airport=2C valid for two weeks and can be extended=2E
>Nationals of other countries can apply through the Qatar Embassy in thei=
>r country or fill out and submit the form below at least six weeks befor=
>e the conference for assistance in obtaining a visa=2E
>11=2E  Contact us=3A
>For further information contact us at
>  Sincerely=2C
>Saadia Malik=2C PhD
>Head=2C Department of Mass Communication
>Qatar University
>  =
>Saadia Izzeldin Malik=2C PhD =
>Chair=2C Department of Mass Communication and Information Science =
>Qatar University =
>P=2EO=2EBox 2713 =
>Telefax=3A  (+974) 483-5015=3B =
>                Phone=3A  (+974) 485-2312=3B (+974) 485-2217 =
>                    Fax=3A (+974) 485-2945 =
>Email=3A smalik=40qu=2Eedu=2Eqa =
>              head=2Emasscomm=40qu=2Eedu=2Eqa

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