Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] CFP Re-visiting Latin American Cultural and Media Studies

Sun Jun 06 20:34:13 GMT 2010

>Re-visiting Latin American Cultural and Media Studies
>Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture (WPCC), Volume 7, Number 3,
>Cultural and Media Studies are undergoing diverse changes in regional
>contexts and remain highly contested fields of intellectual debate and
>analysis. Latin American media research, best exemplified by the so-called
>Latin American Communication Tradition, shows an increasing convergence
>with Cultural Studies. However, Latin American Cultural and Media Studies
>have not taken their current directions as the result of an
>epistemological break from British, European and North American Cultural
>Schools, but rather as a result of a de-centralized and dewesternized
>analysis of sociocultural and political processes in the region, which
>have created popular and alternative perspectives in communication and
>cultural research.
>Such perspectives span from Martin-Barbero's From Media to Mediations, to
>García- Canclini's Hybrid Cultures, Castells' Network Society and Freire's
>Pedagogy of the Oppressed.  Re-visiting the cultural and communication
>standpoints developed in Latin America will help to address both on-going
>questions on globalization, and cultural hybridization, from within the
>local and regional cultures. This issue will reflect on the evolution of
>these perspectives; it aims to explore current research trends in the
>region, and points of interaction and dialogue with, as well as resistance
>to, the West. Can contemporary Latin American Cultural and Media Studies
>contribute new theories and epistemologies to the discipline? Have Western
>schools observed new trends in the region? Is there a dialogue or
>resistance between the Western and Latin American perspectives? Is the
>region part of the Global South?
>This new issue of Westminster Papers in Communication and Culture will be
>dedicated to the analysis of current debates in Latin American Media and
>Cultural Studies in relation to British, European and North American
>Cultural Studies. We welcome essays from a variety of academic disciplines
>and traditions, such as media studies, cultural studies, journalism
>research, alternative media, etc., that deal with theoretical and/or
>empirical aspects of Latin American Cultural and Media Studies.
>A 300 word abstract, full contact information for the corresponding
>author, and a biographical note (up to 75 words) on each of the authors
>should be submitted by no later than 11 June 2010. Authors of accepted
>abstracts will be notified in June 2010 and will then be invited to submit
>a full paper by 17 September 2010.
>Complete manuscripts should be prepared in English in MS Word and adhere
>to the Manuscript Submission Guidelines
>(; they should be 6000 words (minimum)
>to 8000 words (maximum), including notes and references. Papers should be
>accompanied by an abstract of 100-150 words and up to six keywords. The
>manuscript must contain a separate title page that should include: the
>title of the manuscript; the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s);
>full contact details of the author(s); the author's brief biographical
>statement. An invitation to submit a full paper does not constitute a
>commitment for publication; all papers will be subject to anonymous peer
>review following submission.
>Please send your abstract as an e-mail attachment to the issue editor
>Yennue Zarate
>((y.zarate_valderrama /at/
>Deadline for abstracts: 11 June 2010
>Deadline for complete manuscripts: 17 September 2010
>Mireya Marquez
>Doctoral Candidate
>Department of Media and Communications
>Goldsmiths, University of London
>New Cross, London SE14 6NW
>email: (m.marquez /at/

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