Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] CFP: Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds, 3(1)

Wed May 26 00:07:17 GMT 2010

>Journal of Gaming and Virtual Worlds (ISSN: 1757191X; print on 
>demand and online) is seeking contributions to its 3(1) issue 
>(spring 2011). Papers from all areas associated with video/computer 
>games and virtual environments are welcome.
>Deadlines: 31 August 2010 for long articles; 15th September 2010 for 
>short articles,  conference/project reports, poster abstracts, 
>interviews and (machinima/book/game...) reviews.
>The following word limits apply:
>Long articles: 5000-8000 words
>Short articles: 3000-5000 words
>Conference and other reports: 1000-2000 words
>Reviews (books, websites, games, machinima), poster abstracts and 
>interviews: 1500-3000 words.
>Please send your submissions in anonymized (doc/x) form to Astrid 
>Ensslin at (a.ensslin /at/
>Reviews should be submitted to the Reviews Editor, Matthew S.S. 
>Johnson, at (matjohn /at/
>Machinima reviews should be submitted to Phylis Johnson at (phylisj /at/
>For informal inquiries and the Intellect styleguide, contact Isamar 
>Carrillo Masso at (isamar.carrillo /at/
>For more information about the journal's remit, previous issues and 
>board of editors, visit 
>Dr Astrid Ensslin and Dr Eben Muse
>School of Creative Studies and Media
>Bangor University
>College Road
>Bangor, Gwynedd
>LL57 2DG
>Phone: 0044-(0)1248-383619
>Email: (a.ensslin /at/

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