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[ecrea] CFP Identity Technologies

Wed May 12 04:56:40 GMT 2010

>Book Collection: Identity Technologies: producing online selves
>⬨Deadline: June 15, 2010
>The popularity of social networking sites, 
>user-generated content, wireless technologies 
>and games has engendered a rapid proliferation 
>of identities and ways to imagine, produce and 
>consume them. As a result, the internet has 
>become central to how many of its users 
>understand intimacy, communication and 
>community. We contend that this phenomenon is 
>nothing new. Online and offline forms of 
>identity have the potential to act 
>genealogically, challenging our ideas about 
>utopian approaches to the internet as a place 
>without history, bodies or politics.
>How then can we understand what identity means 
>online and why it is so important to so many 
>internet users that they have a digital 
>existence? For us, answers to this question do 
>not have to take the form of utopian ideas about 
>internet identities, time and space, but should 
>admit that issues about internet identity are 
>inevitably embedded in concerns about the 
>production of discourse and about the material 
>conditions of internet access, surveillance and use.
>In this essay collection, we hope to gather 
>together investigations into a whole host of 
>questions raised by the popularity and power of 
>identity technologies. What kinds of selves are 
>generated online? How do memory and narrative, 
>key elements of autobiography, exist and persist 
>in various forms of online subjectivity? How is 
>identity related to virtual time and space? How 
>do we account for the role of recreation and 
>entertainment in communicating an online self? 
>How do we describe and analyze the relationship 
>between hardware and software design and the 
>identities they occasion and transmit? Is it 
>possible to resist the hail of ITs (internet 
>technologies)? What is the relationship between 
>identity politics and ITs? We aim to bring 
>together emerging ideas about identity and 
>online life from the fields of cultural studies, 
>new media studies and auto/biography studies in 
>order to explore what online identity is and what it might mean.
>Please submit a completed essay by June 15, 
>2010. Essays must be 4000-6000 words in Chicago 
>B style with 12-point font. Essays must be 
>written in English, but they do not have to be 
>about the anglophone, western version of the 
>internet. The collection will be published in 
>digital and paper form with a university 
>press.⬨⬨ We welcome submissions which 
>include--but are not limited to--the following topics:⬨
>theorizing online identity
>questions of pedagogy
>research methods
>youth cultures and emerging identities
>social networking
>virtual lives
>online desires
>biography and technology
>hardware and software
>publicity and privacy
>identity theft
>personal video
>cyberbodies and cyberspaces
>internet surveillance
>viruses and "going viral"
>deception and authenticity
>Send a copy of your submission as an electronic attachment to both:
>Anna Poletti, Charles Sturt University (apoletti /at/
>Julie Rak, University of Alberta (julie.rak /at/
>Dr Anna Poletti
>Lecturer in English
>School of Humanities & Social Sciences
>Charles Sturt University
>Locked Bag 678
>Wagga Wagga NSW 2678
>e: (apoletti /at/
>ph: + 61 2 6933 2478
>fax: +61 2 6933 2792

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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