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[ecrea] 2010 IEEE International Conference on Research, Innovation and Vision for the Future on Computing and Communication Technologies (IEEE-RIVF'10)

Fri May 07 11:53:56 GMT 2010

>2010 IEEE International Conference on Research, Innovation and 
>Vision for the Future on Computing and Communication Technologies 
>01-04 November 2010, Ha Noi, Vietnam
>The purpose of the IEEE-RIVF 2010 International Conference on
>and Communication Technologies shall be to advance the understanding
>and application of Intelligence Computing, Information and
>Technologies. The previous edition, IEEE-RIVF 2009, held in Danang
>had received submissions coming from 25 countries across the world.
>This 8th edition is hosted by Vietnam National University, sponsored
>by the
>IEEE Vietnam Section in cooperation with IEEE Region X, and is
>co-sponsored by IEEE Communications Society and IEEE Computational
>Intelligence Society.
>The conference series URL is[1].
>The conference solicits submission of research papers in major areas
>computing and communication, organized into the following seven
>Relevant topics of each track include, but are not limited to:
>* Information and Knowledge Management Track: Integrated information
>     systems, semantic concepts and ontologies, metadata management and
>     standards, multimedia systems, e-commerce and business integration
>     solutions, architecture, security, performance of information
>     applications in public health, logistics.
>     Chairs: Ralf-Detlef Kutsche, TU Berlin & Bich-Thuy Dong, HCMUNS
>* Computational Intelligence Track: Language and speech processing,
>     knowledge representation and reasoning, soft computing, knowledge
>     discovery and data mining, machine learning, computational
>     agent-based systems, semantic web, information extraction and
>     Chairs: Vincenzo Piuri, U Milan & Gary Yen, Oklahoma State U
>* Communication and Networking Track: Network architecture, network
>     protocols and security, parallel and distributed computing, grid
>     mobile and ubiquitous computing, quantum networks and
>     Chairs: Francine Krief, U Bordeaux & Anne Wei, U Toulouse
>* Modeling and Computer Simulation Track: Data visualization, virtual
>     behaviour simulation, scientific computing.
>     Chair: Vu Duong, Eurocontrol
>* Applied Operational Research and Optimization Track: Linear
>     integer programming, dynamic programming, constraint propagation,
>     heuristics, applications in control, production, and scheduling.
>     Chairs: Vu Ngoc Phat, Inst. of Math.-VAST & Peter Brucker, U
>* Software Engineering and Embedded Systems Track: Agile methods,
>     component-based, model-driven, grid-based software engineering,
>     open source software development, product lines, software process,
>     testing and verification, embedded system testing and
>verification, integration
>     and test, multi-core programming, real-time systems, web services.
>     Chairs: Dang Van Hung, Coltech-VNUHN & Tomasz Janowski, UNU-IIST
>* Human Machine Interface and Imaging Technologies Track:
>human-computer interface
>     and interaction, multi media, image processing, imaging in
>chemistry, medicine,
>     biology, geography.
>     Chairs: Yo-Sung Ho, Gwangju Inst. of Sci.-Tech. & Minh Do, UIUC
>Authors are invited to submit papers up to 6 pages, in English,
>describing the
>results of their research, or of their innovative, practical
>applications relevant to
>the conference topics. All papers must be original contributions and
>not previously
>published, nor currently under consideration, for publication
>elsewhere. All papers
>will be submitted on-line, in PDF format using IEEE standard
>template, to the
>conference website. Each paper will be reviewed by the program
>committee for
>its originality, relevance, and clarity. Accepted papers will be
>published in the main
>conference proceedings registered with IEEE Xplore and referenced in
>The Springer Jounal of Ambient Intelligence & Humanized Computing has
>to take into consideration for publication the very best IEEE-RIVF
>papers related to
>its core subjects.
>The conference will be started with one day of tutorials on its
>topics. Tutorial proposals
>are invited and should be submitted by May 14, 2010, to the Tutorial
>Each proposal should include one page of a sketch biography of the
>instructor, outline
>of the tutorial, and pre-requisites for the intended audience.
>The conference will also have workshops on its first day. Workshop
>proposals are invited
>and should be submitted by May 14, 2010, to the Workshop chair(s).
>Each proposal
>should include a sketch biography of the organizer and outline of the
>* May 22, 2010: Paper submission deadline
>* July 19, 2010: Acceptance notification
>* August 12, 2010: Camera-ready paper submission and author
>* November 01, 2010: Tutorials and Workshops
>* November 02-04, 2010: Conference
>Honorary Chairs:
>Hoang Van Phong (Minister of Science and Technology)
>John Vig (2009 IEEE President)
>General Chairs:
>Patrick Bellot (Telecom ParisTech, France)
>Tru Cao (VNU-HCMUT, Vietnam)
>International Advisory Committee:
>Nim Cheung (ASTRI, China)
>Janina Mazierska (James Cook Univ., Australia)
>Jung-Uck Seo (Academy of Science, Korea)
>Jean-Marc Steyeart (Polytechnique, France)
>Anders Ynnerman (Linkoping Univ., Sweden)
>Program Chairs:
>Tu Bao Ho (JAIST, Japan)
>Doug Zuckerman (Telcordia & IEEE ComSoc, USA)
>Pierre Kuonen (HES-SO/EIA-FR, Switzerland)
>Organizing Chairs:
>Luong Chi Mai (VAST, Vietnam)
>Nguyen Thi Minh Huyen (VNU-HN, Vietnam)
>Bich-Thuy T. Dong  (VNU-HCMUS, Vietnam)
>Tutorial Chairs:
>Huynh Quyet Thang (HUT, Vietnam)
>Pham Hi Duc (ECE, France)
>Wokshop Chairs:
>Nguyen Viet Ha (VNU-HN, Vietnam)
>Richard Nguyen (SPAWAR System Center, USA)
>Publication Chairs:
>Akim Demaille (EPITA, France)
>Ralf-Detlef Kutsche (TU Berlin, Germany)
>Local Organising Committee:
>Ngo Cao Son (VAST, Vietnam)
>Le Vinh Trong  (NU-HN, Vietnam)
>Nguyen Duc Dung (VAST, Vietnam)
>For further information, please contact
>Tu Bao Ho
>Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
>Phone&Fax: 81-761511730
>Email: (bao /at/[2]
>Nguyen Thi Minh Huyen
>Hanoi Univ. of Science, VNU-HN
>Phone: 84-4-38581530
>Email: (huyenntm /at/[3]
>[2] mailto:(bao /at/
>[3] mailto:(huyenntm /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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