Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Conference: The Archive and Everyday Life

Mon May 03 22:57:37 GMT 2010

>The Archive and Everyday Life Conference
>May 6-8, 2010
>McMaster University
>Confirmed Keynotes: Ann Cvetkovich (An Archive of Feelings: Trauma,
>Sexuality, and Lesbian Public Cultures), Angela Grauerholz (At Work and
>Play: A Web Experimentation), Ben Highmore (The Everyday Life Reader;
>Everyday Life and Cultural Theory), Michael ODriscoll (The Event of
>This conference will bring together academics, advocates, artists, and
>other cultural workers to examine the intersecting fields of archive
>and everyday life theory. From Simmel through Mass Observation to
>contemporary Cultural Studies theorists, the objective of everyday life
>theory has been, as Ben Highmore writes, to rescue the everyday from
>conventional habits of the mind&to attempt to register the everyday in
>all its complexities and contradictions. Archive theory provides a
>means to explore these structures by making the unfamiliar familiar,
>hence opening the possibility of generating new forms of critical
>practice. The question of a politics of the archive is critical to the
>burgeoning field of archive theory. How do we begin to theorize the
>archive as a political apparatus? Can its effective democratization be
>measured by the participation of those who engage with both its
>constitution and its interpretation?
>The conference will consist of multiple panels, keynote speakers, three
>exhibitions and film screening. The days will be busy!
>Exhibitions and film screening:
>The Archive and Everyday Life: A Visual Art Exhibition.
>Where: Hamilton Artist Inc.: 161 James Street North
>When: May 1-15
>For who: Open to all and it's free!
>Curated by Mary O'Connor, Irene Loughlin, Devon Mordell, and Simon
>Featuring the work of Adrienne Batke, Melissa Carroll, Amanda Delorey,
>Jeffery Douglas, Keeley Haftner, Megan Hahn, Andrea Kastner, Philip
>Kingstone, Kegan McFadden, Lisa Molnar, Devon Mordell, Midi Onondera,
>Simon Orpana, Malissa Phung, and Maria Whiteman
>Framing the Archive: An evening featuring short films by national and
>international artists.
>Where: The Factory: Hamilton Media Arts, 126 James St. N.
>When: May 7 from 8-10:30pm
>For who: Open to all and it's free!
>Curated by: Liss Platt, Carolyn Veldstra, Irene Loughlin, and Simon
>Featuring the work of Nina Levitt, Francisca Duran, Karina Skvirsky,
>Elle Flanders & Tamira Sawatzky, Liss Platt, Diane Nerwen, June Pak,
>Karina Skvirsky, Lesley Loksi Chan, Mary J. Daniel, and Philip Hoffman.
>For more information please visit:
>Looking forward to seeing you,
>Mary O'Connor, Sarah Blacker, Nick Holm, Jennifer Pybus, Simon
>Orpana, and myself, Carolyn Veldstra

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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