Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] ASPERA 2010 Conference - New Screens, New Producers, New Learning

Fri Apr 30 08:28:16 GMT 2010

Registration for the Australian Screen Production Education and Research Association (ASPERA) 2010 Conference - New Screens, New Producers, New Learning - is now open.

Dates: Wednesday July 7th - Friday 9th July
Host: Faculty of Arts and Social Science - University of Technology, Sydney

A fabulous set of abstracts have been received and the conference organisers are busy designing the schedule for the conference (available in two weeks). Highlights include a number of interesting and provocative papers on both teaching and research within the screen production sector. 

Conference overview:

Day One (Wed 7th July)
we will kick off the conference proper with a high powered plenary session on the big issues facing our sector.  This includes talks from Dr Deb Verhoeven (RMIT University)on what we may have to change in our teaching as we enter the age of ubiquitous screens such as the iPad and will pick up on threads discussed at the Forecasting Media Futures event.  Sharing the podium will be Professor Jonathan Holmes (ALTC Discipline Scholar - Creative and Performing Arts) to discuss the establishment and implementation of The Higher Education Standards Framework. On the evening of Day One we have been very kindly invited for a tour of the new AFTRS campus followed by drinks starting at 5:30pm.  
Day Two (Thurs 8th July) will have a screen research focus & the Conference Dinner will be hosted at Café Morso - by the water in Ultimo.
Day Three (Fri 9th July) will allow us to get into the nitty-gritty of what ASPERA needs to do to further our agendas on research and teaching with the afternoon devoted to the AGM.

To register go to the ASPERA website and click on the ‘Conference’ button on the left. Here you will be able to register and pay.  Each (paid up) institution has two free delegates but we invite individuals and non members to book. We have agreements with 3 hotels nearby and you can also book accommodation online in the one step.  Please book for the dinner ASAP so we can confirm numbers.  You can also book separately for Forecasting Media Futures, which is a steal at $10 including drinks.  If you have any problems with the online booking system or payment system please let me know.

You are also invited to register for Forecasting Media Futures – a pre-conference event the evening prior of the official conference.
Date:  Tuesday July 6th
Venue: UTS - University Hall – Harris Street Ultimo
Time: 5:30 - 8pm
Panel speakers:
Dr Phillip Bell - Chair
Dr Deb Verhoeven - RMIT University School of Media & Communication
Andy Lloyd-James - Outside the Box – TV Futures Research Project
Jennifer Wilson - The Project Factory
Tania Chambers – Chief Executive -  Screen NSW
Chris Winter – Manager, New Services, ABC Innovation
Marcus Gillezeau - multiplatform producer - Firelight Pictures
Entry to the event is $10 for the waged, and $5 for students.

Panel speakers have been asked to contemplate and discuss the following questions - What will the media industries look like in the age of the iPad, Digital TV, 3D, Second Life and Social Media?  How will we produce and consume audiovisual screen media in the future?  This panel session will bring together experts and academics in the field of our changing screen industries to talk about how the contexts we operate in are changing, and in what ways screen producers will have to adapt.

Join us at UTS for a drink and some lively discussion.

By the way – also on the ASPERA website we have posted a paper  by Martin Harrison - Workloads and Creative Practice Research
Author Martin Harrison, published poet and member of the Creative Practices Group at UTS, has written a position paper grappling with how creative practice research workloads can be fairly evaluated in the current Australian university environment.  If you are dealing with a workloads system that hasn’t come to terms with how to ‘count’ creative work, this paper opens up useful discussion.

Gillian Leahy
ASPERA Conference 2010 Convenor
Associate Professor
Undergraduate Coordinator 
Media Arts and Production
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of Technology, Sydney
PO Box 123 Broadway
NSW 2007
(gillian.leahy /at/
Tel: 61 2 9514 2323
Rachel Wilson
Lecturer in Media Production & Research

Vice President - ASPERA (Australian Screen Production Education and Research Association)

School of Media & Communication
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
CRICOS provider code: 00122A

Room | 9.4.35
Phone |+61 3 99253722
Fax |+61 3 96391685
Mobile |+61 413612495
Web |

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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