Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] Conference at Roehampton University: Crossing Boundaries: Humanities, the Arts, and the Impact of Cultural Globalisation

Fri Apr 23 05:22:37 GMT 2010

>Crossing Boundaries: Humanities, the Arts, and 
>the Impact of Cultural Globalisation
>Arts and Humanities Post-graduate Led Conference
>Tuesday 15th June 2010, 9.3017.00
>Portrait Room, Grove House, Froebel Campus, Roehampton University
>Today there is instant access to many kinds of 
>art, and audiences are exposed to a myriad of 
>multicultural information. Yet cultural 
>globalisation is no new phenomenon. In times of 
>frequent travel, diaspora and technological 
>innovationmixing, ripping, exposing and 
>assimilating Others is common yet differs 
>between places, spaces and peoples over time. 
>How are local cultures affected by the 
>globalisation process? How are foreign 
>concepts assimilated in the process of 
>generating various forms of art, such as 
>theatre, literature, media and the visual arts? 
>This conference aims to incorporate discussions 
>and performances relating to the production, 
>transmission and interpretation of the arts and humanities in a global world.
>Confirmed Keynote Panelists (more to be announced):
>Professor Suman Gupta - The Open University, Literature and Cultural History
>Dr. Avanthi Meduri - Roehampton University, Dance
>Dr. Aba-Carina Parlog - University of the West, 
>Timisoara (Romania), English Literature
>Confirmed Performances (more to be announced):
>Yugo Yoga - Lara Ritosa Roberts
>Full details and updates will be available at:

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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European Communication Research and Education Association
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