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[ecrea] Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging call for papers

Fri Apr 16 06:31:00 GMT 2010

>The first International Conference on 
>Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections 
>between Art, Science and Culture.
>New Imaging: transdisciplinary strategies for art beyond the new media.
>Takes place on 5 - 6  November at Artspace, 
>43/51 Cowper Wharf Rd, Sydney, NSW 2011.
>Deadline for Abstracts:  June 25,  2010
>  A profound shift is occurring in our 
> understanding of postmodern media culture. 
> Since the turn of the millennium the emphasis 
> on mediation as technology and as aesthetic 
> idiom, as opportunity for creative initiatives 
> and for critique, has become increasingly 
> normative and doctrinaire. Mediation and the 
> new media arts have in fact become the new 
> medium of critical and pedagogical discourse: 
> like water is for fish, like culture is for 
> cultural studies, mediation is a concept that 
> is taken for granted now because it is itself 
> the medium in which we think and act, in which 
> we swim. We need a concept that is amphibian, 
> and that can leave its medium. The concept we 
> propose is a remediated apprehension of the 
> image: an active image and activity of imaging 
> beyond the boundaries of disciplinary 
> definition, but also altering the relations of 
> intermedia aesthetics and interdisciplinary 
> pedagogy. This concept will need to incorporate 
> a vibrant materialism of the images sensory 
> and cognitive strata and an evanescent 
> immaterialism of its affective qualities. 
> Rather than locate our conference in the space 
> of negotiation between disciplines or media 
> (the inter-), we propose the opposition, 
> transit and surpassing of the interdisciplinary 
> by a transdisciplinary aesthetics, and its 
> conceptual and physical practice of a transdisciplinary imaging.
>The aim of the conference is to bring together 
>artists, scholars, scientists historians and curators.
>The conference will explore areas related to: 
>Painting, Drawing, Film, Video, Photography, 
>Computer visualization, Real-time imaging, Intelligent systems, Image Science.
>Participants are asked to address at least one 
>the following areas in their abstract:
>·       remediated image
>·       hypermediacy and  the iconic character of the image
>·       politics of the image and/or image 
>making in a transdisciplinary context
>·       life sciences and bioart in relation to the living image
>·       distributed and networked image
>·       table top scale to nano
>·       machines and computer vision
>·       perspectival image
>·       image as speculative research and critique
>·       illusion, process and immediacy
>·       aesthetics and the proliferation of imaging
>You are invited to submit an abstract for an 
>individual paper relevant to a conference theme 
>as described above. The deadline for abstracts 
>is June 25, 2010. Abstracts for individual 
>papers should be no longer than 250 words. 
>Please provide full contact details with your abstract.
>Refereeing of papers will be done by members of 
>an expert review panel (to Australian DEST 
>refereed conference paper standards). All 
>selected peer reviewed papers will be published 
>in the online conference proceedings.
>Please submit by email to conference organiser 
>Julian Stadon (transimageconf /at/
>Conference chairs:
>  Associate Professor Su Baker and Associate Professor Paul Thomas
>Conference Committee
>Brad BUCKLEY :: Brogan BUNT :: Ted COLLESS :: 
>Ernest EDMONDS :: Petra GEMEINBOECK:: Julian 
>GODDARD :: Ross HARLEY :: Martyn JOLLY :: Daniel MAFE :: David THOMAS
>March 31  call for abstracts; June 30  deadline 
>for call; July 31  peer reviewed abstracts 
>notified; November  5  -  6  Final papers for 
>conference 3000 words; January 6  Final Papers for refereeing;
>1  March  refereed papers returned to be published.
>Conference Partners
>College of Fine Art, University of New South 
>Wales;  University of Melbourne, Faculty of the VCA and Music; Artspace
>Conference Sponsors
>Australian National University, Curtin 
>University, Queensland University of Technology, 
>RMIT University, Sydney College of the Arts, 
>University of Sydney, University of Technology 
>Sydney, University of Wollongong.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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