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[ecrea] Call for posters and papers - Seminar on Communicating for social change:lessons learnt from public health.

Mon Apr 12 11:03:57 GMT 2010

>Seminar 4 May 2010 - Communicating for Social 
>Change: Lessons learnt from public health - Call for posters and papers.
>Deadline for submissions extended until 15th April 2010.
>Venue: University of Copenhagen, Fiolstræde 4-6, 
>1st floor ('Metro 8'), Copenhagen.
>Seminar organized jointly by Glocal NOMAD, Danish AIDSNet, ADRA and ENRECA.
>A critical academic debate has in recent years 
>been growing as to the possibilities and 
>limitations of communication interventions in 
>the health sector. The critique has addressed 
>several issues: shortcomings in the 
>understanding of health as too biomedical; but 
>equally important - a critique of the 
>limitations in the way health communication 
>practitioners conceive of communication as too 
>instrumental and with too limited a focus on 
>individual behaviour change, not taking the 
>complexity of the health challenges into 
>consideration in communication interventions. 
>These debates have led to a fundamental 
>rethinking of the theory and practice of health 
>communication. This comes simultaneously with 
>the proliferation of public and academic 
>attention to public health and to the need of 
>health communication as a central discipline in 
>public health, and consequently as a scientific 
>field. Thus, at the heart of this debate lies 
>the tension between theory and practice in health communication.
>The discussions of strengths and weaknesses in 
>health communication have to a large extent been 
>tied to the fight against HIV and AIDS. In 
>response to the complexity of the HIV and AIDS 
>problem, communication responses have 
>increasingly focused on the structural 
>determinants of health, and thus communication 
>for social change has emerged and grown as an 
>approach to health challenges in general and HIV 
>and AIDS in particular. A growing number of 
>scholars have in recent years contributed in 
>innovative ways to the production of new 
>knowledge, gaining new insights into the 
>complexity of the communication challenge 
>surrounding HIV and AIDS but also beyond this 
>theme specificity. A growing range of health 
>related topics, such as polio, tuberculosis, 
>malaria, alcoholism, domestic violence, disaster 
>management and conflict resolution have been 
>engaging in innovative (health) communication 
>practices and analyses. Some of these 
>experiences are those we wish to focus upon with this seminar.
>It is in this context this seminar invites you 
>to discuss some of these innovations. We wish to 
>present this recent knowledge production and 
>relate the generated insights to the challenges 
>of health communication practitioners in NGOs, 
>in bilateral programmes and in international 
>agencies. Additionally, while having both 
>practitioners and academics share their 
>experiences, the seminar will also connect these 
>discussions to a policy debate and to a debate 
>about how to improve and qualify the role of 
>health communication in the work of 
>international development cooperation. 
>Therefore, Danida is invited to participate in the closing panel debate.
>Morning: Opening Lectures
>8.30     Arrival, registration and coffee
>9.00     Welcome by Glocal NOMAD and ADRA.
>9.30     "Pushing the Boundaries of Health 
>Communication: Trends and Challenges"
>         Rafael Obregon, Associate Professor, Ohio University, USA.
>10.15   "Kwanda: using television to help communities help themselves"
>         Thuli Shongwe, Soul City, South Africa.
>11.00   Coffee Break
>11.15   "Health Communication: from individual 
>behaviour change to civil society development and participatory governance."
>         Thomas Tufte, Professor, Roskilde University.
>12.00   Poster Session
>13.00   Lunch
>Afternoon:  Presentations of innovative health communication experiences
>16.00   Panel Debate: Danida, AIDSNet, Enreca 
>Health-Danish Reserch Network for International Health
>Call for Posters and Papers for Presentation: 
>All interested persons are invited to create a 
>poster based on their own research or work 
>experience in the field of health communication. 
>Selected posters will be displayed during the 
>seminar poster session. Printing assistance will 
>be provided by Enreca-Health if required. We are 
>also inviting papers related to communication 
>for social change in the public health arena for 
>presentation in the afternoon session of the 
>seminar. Participants wishing to discuss their 
>practice-based research are also invited to 
>present work in progress as well as completed projects.
>Please send a one page abstract of your poster 
>or presentation paper idea by the 15th of April 
>to (nikita /at/  at Roskilde University.
>Registration: Participants are requested to 
>register at  Registration Deadline: 25 April, 2010.
>For any queries please email (nikita /at/
>Nikita Junagade
>Project Assistant / Projektmedarbejder
>Media, Empowerment & Democracy in East Africa (MEDIeA)
>and Glocal Network on Media and Development (Glocal NOMAD)
>Roskilde Universitetscenter Institut for 
>kommunikation, virksomhed og 
>informationsteknologier Universitetsvej 1, bygn. 
>44.3 Postboks 260 4000 Roskilde
>email: (nikita /at/

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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