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[ecrea] call for papers: special issue on war, conflict and commemoration in the age of digital reproduction

Thu Apr 08 16:24:55 GMT 2010

>**Final call for papers for the Special Issue War, Conflict and 
>Commemoration in the Age of Digital Reproduction ( Autumn 2010)**
>Wars, conflicts and commemoration occupy the minds of today's users 
>of new media across the globe, especially those in Russia, Eurasia 
>and Central Europe: from digital accounts of 'wars on terror' to 
>virtual museums of political terror under communism; from cyberwars 
>against websites and databases to computer war games; from on-line 
>anti-war organising to virtual memorials to WWII soldiers; from 
>photo-and video- reporting on warfare in Kosovo, Chechnya, Gaza or 
>Georgia to flash-mobs of political protest or racist incitement; 
>from digitalised personal memories and family histories to YouTube 
>clips featuring victorious presidential speeches.
>The aim of this special issue is to explore the ways wars and 
>conflicts are mediated, commemorated, reported and discussed on the 
>Internet as well as in other forms of new media, including mobile 
>phones, digital broadcasting and computer games. What is the role of 
>new media in understanding, representing, negotiating and 
>remembering (or forgetting) war and terror? What is the status of 
>testimony, evidence and reportage in the age of digital 
>reproduction? What practices of memory do new information and 
>communication technologies entail? What structures of feeling 
>operate in on-line reports and debates around military operations 
>and human suffering? How can digital mediations of conflict bring 
>people and communities together, while tearing others apart? And 
>lastly, how can the embodied, physical violence intensify in digital 
>interactions, and how can it be resisted?
>This special issue of Digital Icons aims to create a forum for 
>scholars working in the fields of war, conflict, commemoration, 
>digital media, and new media, while simultaneously addressing 
>linguistic, cultural, historical and political aspects of new media 
>use in Russia, Eurasia and Central Europe. We invite original 
>articles that focus on one or more countries of the region, or on 
>their diasporas. We also welcome theoretical essays, reflection by 
>media practitioners on their own practices, contributions from 
>artists and authors, and reviews of relevant projects, books and events.
>Deadline for submissions: 1 May 2010
>Anticipated date of publication: October 2010
>Please contact Adi Kuntsman 
><mailto:(warconflictcommemoration /at/>(warconflictcommemoration /at/ 
>or DI editors 
><mailto:(editor /at/>(editor /at/ to discuss 
>your submission.
>When submitting your work, please include the following information: 
>a biographical statement (100-120 words in English) and an 
>abstract/description of the submission (or the first paragraph of 
>the essay if appropriate) (about 150 words in English).

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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