Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] 12th International Pragmatics Conference - Pragmatics and it's Interfaces

Tue Apr 06 15:33:51 GMT 2010

>status: CfP call for paper
>12th International Pragmatics Conference - Pragmatics and it's Interfaces
>Manchester, UK
>3-8 July 2011, Manchester, UK
>SPECIAL THEME: Pragmatics and its interfaces
>The conference is open to ALL OTHER 
>pragmatics is conceived broadly as a cognitive, 
>social, and cultural perspective on language and communication).
>Plenary speakers:
>Laurel Brinton, University of British Columbia
>Nick Enfield, Max-Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen
>Hans Kamp, University of Stuttgart
>Sotaro Kita, University of Birmingham
>Rosina Marquez Reiter, University of Surrey
>Wes Sharrock, University of Manchester
>For panel proposals there are two deadlines: 15 
>June 2010, 1 September 2010. Proposals received 
>by 15 June 2010 will already be evaluated before 
>the end of June; this will allow for amendments 
>in response to the committee's comments, so that 
>re-evaluation after 1 September is possible for 
>proposals that are not already accepted in June.
>The deadline for all panel contributions, 
>lectures, and posters is 29 October 2010.
>The submission process is completely web-based. 
>Read carefully all instructions at 
>(or go to the IPrA site,, 
>and click CONFERENCES > 12th Conference > Call 
>for papers). Note that IPrA membership is 
>required for use of the submissions module.
>Panel proposals (deadlines 15 June 2010 - for 
>early approval - and 1 September 2010; see 
>above) have to consist of a brief outline (max. 
>one average A4 or Standard-size page, single 
>spacing, Times pt 12; i.e. ca 500 words) of the 
>theme and purpose of the panel, with a first 
>indication of the people the organizer(s) 
>anticipate(s) to be involved as speakers. Panel 
>organizers are asked to avoid, if at all 
>possible, restricting their panels to an 
>in-group; openness and diversity of perspectives 
>is compatible with topical coherence. 
>Immediately after the deadline the conference 
>committee will, on the basis of the outline 
>(weighed against other proposals in relation to 
>the total number of available time slots), 
>decide (i) whether the proposal is accepted, and 
>(ii) how many 90-minute slots can be made 
>available for the accepted panel. From that 
>moment onwards, the organizer(s) is/are free to 
>fill the allotted sessions in the way they see 
>as most suitable to the theme and the purpose
>   of
>their panel. Not all panels need to take the 
>same form; some may work with sessions that 
>emphasize discussion; others may want to fit in 
>more (brief) oral presentations; the minimum 
>number of presentations planned for one 
>90-minute session, however, should be three. 
>Though it is the panel organizer(s) who take(s) 
>active responsibility for the quality of the 
>contributions to their panel (i.e. they decide 
>what is accepted), abstracts should, for all 
>panel contributions, be submitted by the 
>individual contributors separately by the 29 
>October 2010 deadline that will be handled for 
>individual submissions (see below). Panel 
>organizers are expected to guide their 
>participants in this process, so that all formal 
>requirements are duly fulfilled and the 
>abstracts live up to the expected international 
>standards. This procedure implies that no-one 
>can submit contributions to panels without the 
>prior consent of the panel organizer(s). As a 
>list of accepted panels will be available at the
>   end of
>June (for early submissions) and in the second 
>half of September (for later submissions), 
>prospective participants are of course welcome 
>to seek such prior consent by contacting the 
>organizer(s) of the panel of their choice. As 
>the number of slots for panels is limited, 
>however, most participants will have to make an individual submission.
>Individual proposals for lectures and posters 
>should take the form of a brief abstract 
>(equivalent to max. one average A4 or 
>Standard-size page, single spacing, Times pt 12; 
>i.e. ca 500 words); mind the 29 October 2010 
>deadline. It is the individual submitter's 
>choice to submit for oral presentation (lecture) 
>or a poster. For oral presentations, 30-minute 
>slots will be available (including discussion 
>time). Posters will be up for the whole week; 
>during one of the conference days, there will be 
>a free hour that can be used only for looking at 
>and discussing posters. IPrA actively encourages 
>the submission of posters; experience tells us 
>that they often lead to more serious interaction 
>and result in more lasting and fruitful contacts than oral presentations.
>Because of heavy competition for slots in the 
>program, no-one can be considered for more than 
>one contribution of which he or she is the first 
>author (whether panel contributions, lectures or 
>posters). Anyone may be involved in a second or 
>even a third paper if someone else is the first 
>author and will be present at the conference as 
>well. In the case of multiple authorship, the 
>web-based submission system recognizes as first 
>author only the one who handles the submission 
>process. While there is a restriction on the 
>number of contributions of which one may be the 
>first author (one only!), presenting a paper is 
>always compatible with taking the role of 
>organizer of a panel or acting as a discussant in a panel.
>network: International Pragmatics Association
>Klicken Sie folgenden Link für mehr Informationen...

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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