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[ecrea] CFP: Graduate student papers for EMPIRE: A RETROSPECTIVE (deadline April 20)

Fri Apr 02 10:04:19 GMT 2010

>Call for Papers
>"Empire:  A Retrospective"
>The Second Biannual Faculty and Graduate Students Colloquium
>Organized by
>The Graduate Program for Cultural Studies at the University of Pittsburgh
>November 18-21 2010
>  This conference will address the 10th anniversary of the publication of
>Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's seminal book Empire, the first volume of a
>trilogy that saw its completion in October 2009 with the publication of the
>third volume, Commonwealth.  The second volume, Multitudes, came out in
>However, we are not italicizing the word "Empire" in the conference title
>because we want to address the questions raised by the books much more than
>glossing the texts themselves.  The response in the academic world to the
>trilogy has been extremely fertile, causing, among other things, a
>rediscovery of Italian political thought, a questioning of historical and
>cultural categories related to postmodernity, and the reframing of the
>political stakes implicit in theoretical interventions. The dialogue that
>other critics have opened with Negri and Hardt - sometimes sympathetic,
>sometimes skeptical or outright polemical - will also be a fundamental part
>of the conference.  Figures such as Jameson and Zizek are only the tip of
>the iceberg. Furthermore, current historical developments in the
>international arena, also directly  addressed in the trilogy, have pushed us
>in the last decade us to reflect once  more on the political and cultural
>form "empire", and  we feel there is no better moment for this discussion to
>take place.
>We are looking for graduate student papers that will address the following
>*       How have the categories developed by Hardt and Negri inflected the
>critical approach to specific fields of study, such as cultural analysis,
>political theory or anthropological reflection?
>*       What traditions of thought are mobilized anew in Hardt and Negri's
>discourse?  How does this new reading of past texts generate new insights in
>current debates?
>*       What are the blind spots in the trilogy, in terms both of theory and
>of political commentary?  How can one deconstruct Hardt and Negri's
>discourse, and what is the advantage of engaging in this kind of critical
>dialogue with it?
>*       Are the international exempla of political engagement and struggle
>mentioned in Hardt and Negri's trilogy considered in a historically and
>theoretically useful manner?  How can specialists of each regional history
>benefit from the book's intervention?
>We need to receive 500- words abstracts by April 20, 2010.  All submissions
>should be attached via e-mail to the following address (cultural /at/,
>with names and university affiliations.  The papers will be rendered
>anonymous for the review process.
>We will give our responses by May 10.  Those graduate student participants
>chosen from outside the University of Pittsburgh will receive a $300
>scholarship from the Graduate Program for Cultural Studies at the University
>of Pittsburgh in order to help defray traveling costs.
>Both Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri have agreed to give the final keynote
>The format of the conference will include 4 panels, each anchored by an
>external, invited scholar able to address authoritatively the issues at
>We are looking forward to receive graduate student submissions at your
>earliest convenience.
>The whole CFP can be found on our website here:

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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