Archive for calls, 2010

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[ecrea] CALL FOR PAPERS: Global Citizenship, Collective Identity, and Tolerance

Sat Feb 27 22:57:05 GMT 2010

> "Global citizenship, Collective identity, and Tolerance"
> Convenors
> ? Allan Pollchik ((pollchik /at/
> ? Ann Rumble ((rumble /at/
> ? Nicholas J. Kiersey ((kiersey /at/
> Abstract
> This conference seeks to draw papers from multiple disciplinary backgrounds on the relationship between citizenship, identity and tolerance in the context of contemporary globalization. Across the social sciences today there is much talk of the rise of postnationalism, the return of religion, the global integration of markets, and the various forms of social-epistemology with which these are associated. What potential do we see in these developments for the recovery of a robust and fair regime of world citizenship? We invite papers on the following three aspects of contemporary ?citizenship talk?: the place of the citizen in political community today; the transformation of citizenship and wrought by modern demands for legal, political, and social rights; and the question of whether or not the nation-state should remain the primary vessel of citizenship in an era demanding transnational or even global solidarity. Other topics for consideration might also include the critical ! > assessment of how we decide who is to be considered a global citizen, and the terms of this accommodation once it is established.
> The conference will take place at the Chillicothe campus of Ohio University, Sept. 23-25th, 2010. The registration fee of $150.00 (reduced fee for students, $75.00) will include all meals, opening reception, and transportation between the conference hotels and meetings. Arrangements for free transportation to and from Columbus airport can be made in advance.
> The conference seeks to encourage submissions from graduate students in particular and will offer a $200 award to the best graduate student paper presented.
> Abstracts should be no more than 250 words in length and include the title of the proposed presentation, name of author(s), and contact information. Please send the abstract to one of the conference conveners by May 1st. Notification of acceptance will be sent by June 1st.
> Keywords: global citizenship, collective identity, postnationalism, religion, tolerance, capitalism
> ----------------------------------
> Nicholas J. Kiersey, PhD
> Assistant Professor, Political Science
> Ohio University, Chillicothe
> Office: +1.740.774.7270
> Mobile: +1.330.285.5604

Jeremy Hunsinger
Center for Digital Discourse and Culture
Political Science
Virginia Tech
Information Ethics Fellow
Center for Information Policy Research

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