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**Spam**: [ecrea] Doctoral and Post Doctoral Workshop on Development and International Organizations

Mon Feb 22 06:44:57 GMT 2010

Doctoral and Post Doctoral Workshop on Development and International Organizations
Stockholm, Sweden May 29-30, 2009 (date TBC)


Paper proposals are invited from current doctoral students and early career postdoctoral researchers (up to three years post-PhD) conducting research on the World Bank Group and other international economic organizations in any social science field.

Successful candidates will be asked to present a research paper of 8,000-9,500 words in advance of the workshop.

Accommodation expenses will be covered for successful candidates. This does not include travel costs, per diem or meals.

The workshop will be scheduled to coincide with the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics (ABCDE), which will take place in Stockholm, Sweden, May 30-June 2, 2010, on the theme of Development Challenges in a Post-Crisis World. Participants will also be invited to attend the ABCDE Conference.

Workshop Themes:
Submitted papers must focus on the work (policy, operations) of one or more of the organizations listed below:

1. Bretton Woods Institutions: The World Bank Group, The International Monetary Fund;
2.	World Trade Organization;
3. Regional multilateral development banks: Inter-American Development Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Paper proposals may address any aspect of development-related activity of these organizations. For example, topics might include, but are not limited to:

"	Country studies of specific policies or projects;
"	Governance and organizational reform;
"	Links between trade and development;
"	Relations between various organizations (e.g. World Bank-IMF);
"	Aid harmonization and coordination; bilateral versus multilateral aid;
" Engagement and partnerships with new donors (e.g. China, philanthropic foundations)

Application is open to researchers of any nationality and any country of residence, currently enrolled in their third year or later of a PhD program or having completed their PhD no later than three years beforehand (as of May 31, 2010). Thesis research to be presented during the workshop needs to be completed or of an advanced state. Students in their first year of study should not apply. Developing country researchers are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application process:
Candidates who wish to participate in the Workshop should provide the following information (please follow the format of the APPLICATION FORM appended below):

Applications should be submitted to the RAD Secretariat at the World Bank Office at (cdoody /at/ with the subject line '2010 PhD Workshop Application'.

The deadline for applications is 28 February 2010. Successful applicants will be notified around the end of March 2010. The final version of the paper is due on 30 April 2010.

Selection criteria:
"	Quality of the paper proposal
"	Balance in terms of research themes outlined above
"	Balance in terms of participants' backgrounds (region, gender etc.)

Previous Workshops

The Workshop is funded by:

The World Bank

Network of Excellence on Global Governance, Regionalisation and Regulation (GARNET)

With the support of:

Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation

Researchers Alliance for Development (RAD)

Doctoral Workshop on development and international organizations
Stockholm, Sweden May 29-30, 2009 (date TBC)


Please submit the form no later than 28 February 2010 by email with subject line '2010 PhD Workshop Application' to (cdoody /at/

Please send your application form and paper in two separate Word documents, with files named the following way:
Last Name First Name Paper
Last Name First Name Application Form
(example: 'Smith John Paper', 'Smith John Application Form').

A Word document application form can be downloaded from )

SECTION 1: Personal Details
1.	Title (Mr./ Ms./ Mrs.):
2.	Last Name:
3.	First Name:
4.	Nationality:
5.	Date of birth:
6.	Institution of enrolment:
7.	Date of PhD enrolment:
8.	Email address:
9.	Phone number:

SECTION 2: Paper Abstract
1.	Paper Title:
2.	PhD awarded (attained or expected) on (MM/YY):
3.	Supervisor's Name and contact details (email, phone):
4.	Abstract, (or complete paper attached -- YES/ NO):
(Please attach the paper in a separate file or insert abstract below, 1000 words maximum)

SECTION 3: CURRICULUM VITAE (one page maximum, insert)

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