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[ecrea] Third International Conference of E-Medical Systems

Sat Jan 23 16:38:14 GMT 2010

Just a small reminder that the paper submission deadline of February 1 st, =
2010 for the third International Conference E-MEDISYS=9210 is coming up.
This conference supported by IEEE Morocco will be held from 12 to 14 May 20=
10 in Morocco.

You can find more details in:

 The paper submission can be done on-line at =20

Your propositions are welcome (they can be made either in French or in Engl=

We are waiting for seeing you in Morocco in E-MEDISYS'10.

Best Regards

Mohamed Salim BOUHLEL
General Co-Chair E-MEDISYS 2010

Director of the Higher Institute of Electronics and Communication of Sfax I=
Head of Research Unit: Sciences & Technologies of Image and Telecommunicati=
ons                 ( Sfax University ) SETIT
Skype Name: UR-SETIT
GSM +216 20 200 005



Third International Conference of E-Medical Systems
Technically co-sponsored IEEE Morocco
Fez, Morocco, May 12-14, 2010

E-Medisys is a new international conference, very innovative, on the topic =
of the telemedicine.

This conference was born out of collaboration of three teams of research di=
vided between Sfax (Tunisia), Besan=E7on (France) and Fez (Morocco).

E-Medisys, from its topic interdisciplinary, has the role to bring together=
 the researchers, and the industrialists, who are actors of the telemedicin=
e as well from the medical point of view as from the data- processing point=
 of view.
 It is what makes a single event of it: the meeting of the actors who will =
allow treating the telemedicine =93from beginning to end=94. This conferenc=
e will be held in French and English. Papers will be selected by a mixed re=
ading panel gathering of the specialists to re-elect in the field of the te=

The topics of this conference are voluntarily opened in order to support th=
e participation of many teams (researchers, teachers, engineers, industrial=
ists and students). A broad place will be reserved for the new ideas, with =
not yet succeeded work, original work positioning clearly compared to what =

Here a non exhaustive list of the topics:

Medical Information Management=20

Patient Information
Data Archiving
Information Systems
Data Bases Multimedia
Evaluation of the Information Systems of Health
NTIC and Health



Medical Imagery

Data-processing Applications for Medical Imagery
Segmentation, Rebuilding 3D
Computer Graphics
Signal Treatments
Image, Compression, Coding and Encoding



Remote Telemedical Plateforms

Collaborative Work, Collaborative Virtual Environments
Remote Monitoring
Telediagnosis, Teleconsulting
Information Systems Integrated of Health for the Shared and Collaborative C=



Ergonomics of the Interfaces

Remote Human Computer Interfaces
Virtual Reality
Increased reality
Increased Reality Safety in Distributed Multimedia Applications



Medical Systems Communicating

Wireless Adhoc Networks (MANET)
Personal Networks (PN), Personal Area
Networks (PAN), WIMAX
Ubiquity and Networks without Wire
Networks of Health
Sensor Networks: Patients Steady, Patient with Handicap
Mobile Care Patient, Mobility
Security in Networks


Paper submission: DEADLINE For Submissions, February 1, 2010
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2010
Final manuscript due: March 15, 2010
Main conference: May 12, 2010






Fez was the capital of Morocco for all together more than 1000 years, home =
of the oldest university of the country and the leading cultural and religi=
ous centre. Fez is also the home of the oldest a largest medieval city in t=
he world, a city that is almost unchanged through the modern ages and still=
 most definitely alive.


Fez was founded in 789 at a place between the mountains where the river was=
 flushing by.

History has provided the city with long periods of hardship, but Fez has ne=
ver died. Today it has its own culture, pride, art and even cuisine.

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.36.84
Office: 5B.401a
European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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