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[ecrea] cfp. Asian Pop Culture fandom in Europe

Tue Jan 19 23:23:44 GMT 2010

Call for papers

Panel proposal for Crossroad 2010, 17-21 June, Hong Kong

"Asian Pop Culture Fandom in Europe"

Traditionally, Asian pop culture's trans national consumption has been studied in terms of strategies of global cultural industry, identity construction of diasporas and migrant audiences, and regionalized dynamics of media consumption (Japan mania, Korean Flow). Meanwhile, the recent and rapidly growing popularity of Asian pop culture in Europe put forward a new set of questions. The huge popularity of Manga (especially in France) and the fandom of Asian Pop music and TV drama among European consumers make incomplete the existing thesis. For example, the growing popularity of Asian drama, and in a degree that of Asian Pop music, is a pure web2 phenomenon that any cultural industry theory can handle. Serial culture that the Manga and the Drama consumption impose is quite different from that of Western seriality. It therefore provides an intense intercultural interface of global era. It also implicates a new gender, generation, and race relationship formation. Between fascination, addiction, and aesthetic judgement, European fans of Asian Pop Culture are blurring the frontiers between legitimate, dominating, and ostensible Western culture and "illegitimate" (violent, infantile, emotional, and even free), docile and invisible Asian popular culture. They are fans of Asian Film d'Auteur as well as that of popular TV drama and Pop idols, paracinemaic critics at the same time camp viewers of Asian stars. This cultural eclectism can provide an interesting field of Reception and Fan studies.

This panel aims above all to identify clearly the cultural dynamics of emerging Asian pop culture fandom in Europe and hope to address the theoretical stakes as gender and race relationship in global culture.

The communication proposal (150 word maximum and a short biography of the author) is to be sent to : <mailto:(skhong /at/>(skhong /at/, before the 31st January. (The deadline of panel submission is the 14th February)

Please feel free to contact me (<mailto:(skhong /at/>(skhong /at/ for any request on the panel programme, and you can find the pratical information on the conference web site :

Best wishes,

Associate Professor, University of Bordeax, Laboratory MICA

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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