Archive for calls, July 2010

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[ecrea] Call for paper: IPSA/USP 2011

Tue Jul 06 18:51:28 GMT 2010

>Call for paper: IPSA/USP 2011
>The IPSA-ECPR joint conference Whatever Happened to North-South?, hosted by
>the Brazilian Political Science Association at the U. of Sao Paulo.
>The conference will be held from February 16 to 19, 2011.
>The Call for Papers will open on Monday, June 28 and close on Friday, August
>6, 2010.
>Conference Theme: Political Regimes, Democratic Consolidation and the
>Quality of Democracy [1]Section: Parties, Institutions and the Quality of
>Democracy [2]
>Can NICT enhance the quality of democracies? Latin America's good practices
>in e-democracy
>Chair: Prof. Marcos Gomes Pereira, email: 
><mailto:(magopebh /at/>(magopebh /at/
>Institution: UFMG/Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
>Name: Prof. Sérgio Braga, email: <mailto:(ssbraga /at/>(ssbraga /at/
>Institution: UFPR/Universidade Federal do Paraná
>The search for deepening democracy has as its basic points the increase of
>government transparency as well as the creation of deliberative spaces
>between society and political system. Despite the obstacles arising from the
>digital divide, the use of new information and communication technologies
>(NICT) has been expanding in Latin American countries, generating high
>expectations about the possibility of an increase in the quality of their
>democracies. Experiences in different countries have shown that expanded
>forms of political participation have been developed through the use of
>NICT, promoting new opportunities for interaction between civil society and
>the political system. These virtual spaces of interaction allow a reduction
>of informational asymmetry between political system and society, enriching
>the state actors' information repertoire about interests and demands of
>citizens, thereby contributing to the improvement of decision-making
>processes. This panel seeks to create a space for dialogue to researchers
>who have produced qualitative and quantitative studies related to different
>e-democracy practices in countries of the "third wave of democratization,"
>emphasizing "best practices" that can produce effective results in the
>creation of new and better spaces for political deliberation and
>participation of citizens in the various institutions that are part of
>democratic political systems of such countries. Submit
>Source URL:

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels - Belgium
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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