Archive for calls, May 2010

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[ecrea] Workshop on Art and Social Change - Call for papers

Wed May 12 14:00:23 GMT 2010

>'Beauty will save the world': An Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Workshop
>on Art and Social Change, University of Bristol, 7-8 September 2010
>Hosted by the Department of Politics and sponsored by the Institute for
>Advanced Studies and the Global Insecurities Centre, University of Bristol
>How does art construct, resist and contest dominant identities and
>social practices? How does art open up possibilities for (re)creating
>the world? What are the relationships between art, aesthetics, and
>politics? What are the power relations involved in art? Whose art, and
>whose values are best placed to change the world? Can engaging with art
>help us develop new epistemologies and research methodologies? Can
>beauty 'save' the world?
>This two-day interdisciplinary postgraduate workshop is premised on the
>assumption that art actively constructs social 'reality', as opposed to
>merely reflecting it. Against dominant pronouncements privileging the
>centrality of rationalism and science as the legitimate avenues towards
>knowledge and social change, this workshop poses the question: what does
>the 'serious' pursuit of 'progress' miss out on when it disqualifies the
>artist's imaginary as superfluous, lacking impact, unimportant?
>The workshop aims to bring together postgraduate students working in and
>across various disciplines to share research which looks at the
>contested meanings of art and aesthetics, explores art in different
>cultural and historical settings, and examines the ways in which art and
>its constructions of beauty, society, politics can help in
>understanding, and changing, the social world. The workshop will also
>enable postgraduate students to engage and network with more established
>scholars, who will be present at the workshop as keynote speakers, panel
>chairs and roundtable discussants.
>We welcome paper and panel proposals (2-3 presenters per panel) which
>engage specifically with the theme of art and social change, from
>various disciplines, including but not limited to: Archaeology,
>Anthropology, Classics, English, Modern Languages, History, History of
>Art, Visual and Performing Arts, Cultural Studies, Geography,
>Philosophy, Sociology and Politics.
>Papers can include think pieces or works in progress. We encourage a
>diversity of presentation styles, from 'traditional' papers to
>interactive sessions, involving short film screenings, musical and
>dramatic performances, and the display of paintings, sculpture,
>photographs, and installation art. Presenters will be assigned a
>30-minute slot for their presentation, which can be used by the
>presenter as they wish, but must include at least 5 minutes for audience
>For more information, or to email abstracts (maximum 300 words) of
>proposed presentations, please contact Cerelia Athanasiou
>((cerelia.athanasiou /at/<mailto:(cerelia.athanasiou /at/>) 
>and Shaira Kadir
>((shaira.kadir /at/<mailto:(shaira.kadir /at/>) by 
>31 May 2010.
>Ms Cerelia Athanasiou
>Postgraduate Research Student
>Department of Politics
>University of Bristol
>10 Priory Road
>BS8 1TU
>(Cerelia.Athanasiou /at/<mailto:(Cerelia.Athanasiou /at/>

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/

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