Archive for calls, May 2005

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[eccr] Call for Papers - Third Annual Irish Studies Conference

Tue May 10 15:58:57 GMT 2005

>The University of Sunderland
>Third Annual Irish Studies Conference
>(incorporating the inaugural North East of England Celtic Studies Symposium)
>11-13 November 2005
>Word, The Icon and The Ritual [ii] - Lands of Saints and Scholars
>Following the success of its last two international conferences: 
>Representing-Ireland: Past, Present and Future,
>[2003] and The Word, The Icon and The Ritual, [2004] the University of 
>Sunderland is soliciting papers for an
>interdisciplinary conference, which will run from 11-13 November 2005. 
>This year we are also delighted to
>welcome proposals from scholars working within the broad field of Celtic 
>The conference organisers hope to represent a wide range of approaches to 
>Irish and Celtic culture from
>academics and non--academics alike. Performances, roundtables, 
>collaborative projects, and other non--
>traditional presentations are encouraged in addition to conference papers. 
>As with last years conference, we
>welcome submissions for panels and papers under the thematic headings of: 
>The Word, The Icon, The Ritual in
>the following areas: Literature, Performing Arts, History, Politics, 
>Folklore and Mythology, Ireland (other Celtic
>countries/regions) in Theory, Anthropology, Sociology, Art and Art 
>History, Music, Dance, Media and Film
>Studies, Cultural Studies, and Studies of the Diaspora. North American and 
>other international scholars,
>practitioners in the arts, and postgraduate students are all encouraged to 
>submit proposals to the conference
>organisers.  We also welcome proposals for papers in absentia for 
>delegates who wish to participate but may
>find it difficult to attend the event.
>The last two conferences have resulted in the publication of a selection 
>of essays, and we hope to continue this
>with essays from this years conference.
>Bernard ODonoghue
>Plenary Speakers Include:
>Professor Robert Welch ­ University of Ulster
>Professor Michael ONeill ­ University of Durham
>Professor Werner Huber, University of Chemnitz, Germany
>English/Literary Studies: Dr Alison Younger, (Sunderland), Professor 
>Stephen Regan, (Durham)
>Media and Cultural Studies: Professor John Storey (Sunderland)
>History/Diaspora/Celtic Studies: Dr Richard Allen,(Sunderland)
>Proposals of not more than 500 words should be sent by 2 August 2005 at 
>the latest to:
>(alison.younger /at/
>(john.storey /at/
>(r.allen /at/
>(stephen.regan /at/
>And copied to the Conference Adminstrator
>Susan Cottam ­ (susan.cottam /at/
>Dr Clarissa Smith
>School of Arts, Design, Media & Culture
>University of Sunderland

Carpentier Nico (Phd)
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