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[eccr] Fwd: 2003IAMCR Conference (call for paper)
Fri Nov 29 10:40:05 GMT 2002
>clip_image0024.jpg CALL FOR PAPER
>2003 IAMCR Conference
>Abstract Deadline: February 1, 2003
>International Association for Media and Communication Research
>Association Internationale des Études et Recherches sur L¡¦Information et
>la Communication
>Asociación Internacional de Estudios en Comunicación Social
>Conference Website: <http://iamcr2003.org.tw/>http://iamcr2003.org.tw
>Basic Information:
>Conference Theme: Information Society and Glocalization: What¡¦s Next?
>Conference Dates: July 14-16, 2003
>Location: Taipei, TAIWAN
>Organizer: Shih Hsin University, Taiwan
>Assisted by Chinese Communication Society, Taiwan
>Dates and Deadlines:
>n 1 February, 2003: Deadline for Abstract
> (Send Abstract Directly to Section Heads or via the Conference Website)
>n 31 March, 2003: Submission Results Announced
>n 10 April, 2003: Grant Application Deadline
>n 1 May, 2003: Early Registration Deadline
>n 1 June, 2003: Deadline for Hotel and Tour Bookings
>n 1 July, 2003: Full Paper Due
>n 4 July, 2003: Registration Deadline for the Late Period
>Submission Rules:
>n Send abstract directly to Section Heads or via the conference
>n Each participant can only submit one abstract, and accepted
>papers can only be presented in one section.
>Topic: Information Society and Glocalization: What¡¦s Next?
>Digital technology and information systems have greatly changed the facets
>of media and communication practices of our time. Interactions between the
>global and the local have led to new dynamics between communication
>development and social changes. The emergence of the digital revolution
>and the information society has led to a need to re-examine the existing
>media and communication theories. How will this new form of global/local
>interactions and dynamics develop? What¡¦s the next trajectory of its
>development? What dimensions of study could contribute to the
>understanding of the future development of the information society? These
>questions are intertwined with the concept of ¡§Glocalization¡¨ and can be
>explored from many aspects in media and communication research.
>IAMCR Section Information:
>Section Title
>Section Heads
>E-mail Address
>Audience and Reception Studies
>Tony Wilson
>(Tonywilson /at/ ayhoo.com)
>Umi Khattab
>(Umitab /at/ ayhoo.co.uk)
>Community Communication
>Hopeton Dunn
>(Hdunn /at/ cwjamaica.com)
>Pascal Verhoest
>(p.verhoest /at/ stb.tno.nl)
>Communication Technology Policy
>Laura Stein
>(Lstein /at/ mail.utexas.edu)
>Gender and Communication
>Karen Ross
>(k.ross /at/ coventry.ac.uk)
>Gita Bamezai
>(Gitabamezai /at/ exite.com)
>Terhi Rantanen
>(t.rantanen /at/ lse.ac.uk)
>International communication
>Abbas Malek
>(Amalek /at/ erols.com)
>Junior Scholars Network
>Rosa Leslie Mikael
>(Rgross /at/ asc.upenn.edu)
>Sandor Vegh
>(Veghs /at/ umd.edu)
>Andrei Richter
>(Richter /at/ medialaw.ru)
>Media and Sport
>Alina Bernstein
>(Alinaber /at/ netvision.net.il)
>Media Education Research
>Keval J. Kumar
>(Kevalkumar /at/ hotmail.com)
>Participatory Communication Research
>Ullamaija Kivikuru
>(Kivikure /at/ helsinki.fi)
>Political Communication Research
>David Paletz
>(Maarek /at/ univ-paris12.fr)
>Political Economy
>Philip Maarek
>(Jwasko /at/ oregon.uoregon.edu)
>Professional Education
>Beate Josephi
>(b.josephi /at/ cowan.edu.au)
>Psychology and Public Opinion
>Hillel Nossek
>(msnossek /at/ mscc.huji.ac.il)
>Friedrich Krotz
>(Friedrich.krotz /at/ uni-muenster.de)
>Conference Schedules:
>n 3 Days Conference, 14-16 July, 2003
>n 90 minutes for Each Session
>n 4 Plenary Sessions (2 opening and 2 concluding sessions)
>n 64 Regular Sessions (including 60 section sessions and 4
>special sessions)
>n Poster Sessions: displayed outside the Vision Hall
>n Maximum Enrolment: 300
> Slots/
>Room Size
>14 July 8.30-12.00
>14 July
>15 July 8.30-12.00
>15 July 13.30-17.00
>16 July 8.30-12.00
>16 July 13.30-17.00
>Excellence Hall
>(728 seats)
>Plenary Sessions
>A & B
>Concluding Plenary Sessions
>C & D
> Vision Hall
>(220 seats)
>Sessions I
>Sessions II
>Poster Sessions
>Sessions III
>Sessions IV
>Poster Sessions
>Sessions V
>Sessions VI
>Poster Sessions
>Sessions VII
>Sessions VIII
>Poster Sessions
> #103
>(84 seats)
>Sessions I
>Sessions II
>Sessions III
>Sessions IV
>Sessions V
>Sessions VI
>Sessions VII
>Sessions VIII
>(48 seats)
>Sessions I
>Sessions II
>Sessions III
>Sessions IV
>Sessions V
>Sessions VI
>Sessions VII
>Sessions VIII
>(41 seats)
>Sessions I
>Sessions II
>Sessions III
>Sessions IV
>Sessions V
>Sessions VI
>Sessions VII
>Sessions VIII
>(30 seats)
>Sessions I
>Sessions II
>Sessions III
>Sessions IV
>Sessions V
>Sessions VI
>Sessions VII
>Sessions VIII
>(30 seats)
>Sessions I
>Sessions II
>Sessions III
>Sessions IV
>Sessions V
>Sessions VI
>Sessions VII
>Sessions VIII
>(30 seats)
>Sessions I
>Sessions II
>Sessions III
>Sessions IV
>Sessions V
>Sessions VI
>Sessions VII
>Sessions VIII
>(30 seats)
>Sessions I
>Sessions II
>Sessions III
>Sessions IV
>Sessions V
>Sessions VI
>Sessions VII
>Sessions VIII
>Grant Programme: 20 Grants for Application
>The Taipei Conference aims to promote broad participation of researchers
>from countries with limited resources to participate in international
>conferences, particularly from Latin America, Eastern Europe, Africa and
>some parts of Asia. Grants include free registration and four nights
>accommodation (from the night of Sunday the 13th to the night of Wednesday
>the16th). Priority will be given to researchers who are giving a
>presentation related to the theme of the 2003 Conference and whose papers
>are accepted by section heads. Grant applications must be submitted before
>April 10, 2003 via the conference website. The decision of the Organizing
>Committee will be announced before April 25, 2003.
>Registration fees:
>Rate Basis
> Early Period:
>1 January To 30 April
> Late Period:
>1 May To 4 July
>IAMCR members' registration fee
>($215 with box lunches)
>($275 with box lunches)
>Reduced IAMCR members¡¦ registration fee
>($115 with box lunches)
>($155 with box lunches)
>Non-members' registration fee
>($275 with box lunches)
>($325 with box lunches)
>Reduced Non-members¡¦ registration fee
>($175 with box lunches)
>($215 with box lunches)
>n Inclusion of the Registration Fee: The registration fee
>includes the conference materials, attendance to conference sessions,
>coffee breaks, and the reception dinner. Box lunches for the package of
>three days are optional for an additional US$15.
>n Registration Period and On-Site Registration: Registration
>starts from January 1, 2003. The deadline of registration is 4 July, 2003.
>Add US$40 on top of the late registration fee for the on-site registration
>in Taipei.
>n Reduced Registration fees: The beneficiaries of the reduced
>registration fee are: students, authors from countries with limited
>resources as identified by the World Bank, and other qualified
>participants. Places are limited in this category.
>n Cancellation of Registration: The cancellation charge applies
>according to the following conditions: (a) before 30 April: 10% charge;
>(b) between 1 May and 15 June: 20% charge; (c) between 16 June and 4 July:
>50% charge; and (d) after 4 July: no refunds. All cancellations must be
>made in writing.
>Visa Requirements to Enter Taiwan:
>n Landing Visa: The following nationals currently need landing
>visas for stays up to 14 days: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Costa
>Rica, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand, The
>Netherlands (Holland), Norway, Portugal, Spain, Singapore, Sweden, U.K.,
>U.S.A. and Switzerland.
>n Visitor Visa: For other citizens, a visitor visa for up to 60
>days can be issued to tourists and/or conference participants at the
>nearest R.O.C. embassy or Taipei Representative Office. A single entry
>visa costs US$36. Applicants need to provide a passport (valid for at
>least six months), an application form, one photo, an incoming and
>outgoing airline ticket, as well as documents verifying the purpose of the
>n Visa for Scholars from the Mainland China: Please consult
>Taiwan¡¦s local organizing committee as early as possible for the
>assistance on invitation and application procedures to enter Taiwan for
>the 2003 IAMCR Conference.
>Contact Person for Local Organizing Committee
>n Lucie Cheng (Committee Chair), Professor & Dean, College of
>Journalism and Communications, Shih Hsin University (E-mail:
><mailto:(lcheng /at/ lihpao.com)>(lcheng /at/ lihpao.com))
>FAX: +886-2-22367150
>n Liangwen Kuo (Executive Director), Professor & Director,
>Graduate Institute of Communications, Shih Hsin University (E-mail:
><mailto:(lwkuo /at/ cc.shu.edu.tw)>(lwkuo /at/ cc.shu.edu.tw))
>FAX: +886-2-22367060
>Address for Correspondence:
>Local Organizing Committee
>2003 IAMCR Conference, Shih Hsin University
>NO. 1, LN. 17, SEC. 1, MU-CHA ROAD, Taipei 116, TAIWAN
>FAX: +886-2-22367150
Carpentier Nico
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University Brussels
Studies on Media, Information & Telecommunication (SMIT)
Centre for Media Sociology (CeMeSO)
Office: C0.04
Pleinlaan 2 - B-1050 Brussels
T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.30
F: ++ 32 (0)2-629.28.61
E-mail: (Nico.Carpentier /at/ vub.ac.be)
W1: http://www.vub.ac.be/SCOM/smit
W2: http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~ncarpent/
W3: http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~jteurlin/Koccc.html
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