Archive for 2017

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[ecrea] CFP – II International Congress on TIC and Social Movements

Mon May 29 12:11:04 GMT 2017

*Call for Papers – II International Congress <> on TIC and Social Movements*

* <>* aims to establish itself as an academic forum to share theoretical analysis and ideas in order to understand the social implications of ICTs. We are interested in subjects ranging from the experiences and practices of individual activists and collectives of social transformation to social uses of technology, as well as particular projects based on the idea of technological appropriation in order to promote emancipation.

For the 2017 * <>* edition we would welcome papers on the following topics:

_Technological Sovereignty_: Which are the risks and threats for social movements of using technologies made by oligopolistic companies? What dangers does surveillance on behalf of governments and large corporations have for activists? Which will be the challenges faced by initiatives promoting the autonomous development of technological tools by social movements? Is it worth using disruptive technologies despite their risks?

_Digital Rights:_ How should we understand copyright in the new digital world? Is it possible to reconcile the remuneration of authors with the ease of digital copies? How can the industry adapt to the new digital environment? Do intellectual property rights present a threat to digital networks? To what extent should governments legislate on this matter? In what sense? Should access be considered a new civil right?

_Ciberactivism_: Are exclusively virtual actions effective? How can they complement actions in physical space? Which kind of relationships can be observed between classic and virtual activism? Which innovations on the physical sphere can be translated into cyberactivist practice?

_Digital Democracy_: How can NTICs enlarge participation and improve democracy? Can they worsen the situation through finer propaganda techniques? Does digital democracy ease the dissemination of populist discourses? Which are the risks associated to digital participation? How can political representation and participation via information and communication technologies complement each other?

_Open Data_: Are there enough transparency laws at work at an international level? Can open data be used to enforce citizen control over government action? To what extent must confidentiality be maintained ? Are leaks of information classified as secret legitimate in certain cases (wikileaks, Snowden, Falcini …)? Can digital networks help citizens in monitoring their governments or are they only agents of surveillance?

_Digital Culture and Collective Memory_: Which are the cultural referents of cyberactivist practice on the Internet? What is the relationship between mass culture and popular culture on new digital environments? How does the Internet contribute to maintain the collective memory of social movements? Is there a risk that such memory can be censored when using commercial services?

_Mass Media on the Internet_: How do conventional and new media relate to each other? Do the former still dominate the media landscape, setting the agenda and determining public discourse? To what extent can new media influence public opinion? What is the role of traditional journalism in relation to citizen journalism? What is journalists’ role in the new, saturated informative environment?

_Videoactivism_: Which are the dicoursive features of digital videoactivism? How does it contribute to social change? What contradictions lie in videoactivist practice? Is it a question of form or content?

Complete papers (15-25 pages) should be sent before June, 15th, 2017 to (jcandon /at/ (José Candón, University of Seville) and will be read during the Congress at the Faculty of Communication (University of Seville) on 25, 26 and 27 October 2017. Papers will be published in a book of proceedings after undergoing a blind peer-review process under the direction of the scientific committee.

More info at:


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