Archive for October 2012

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[ecrea] CFP: An Education in Facebook (Edited collection, abstracts due 19 Jan 2013)

Mon Oct 29 08:31:57 GMT 2012

An Education in Facebook?
Higher Education and the World's Largest Social Network

Editors: Dr Mike Kent, Dr Tama Leaver and Dr Clare Lloyd, Internet Studies, Curtin University

Abstract Submission Deadline 18 January 2013

Full Chapters Due 31 May 2013

We are soliciting chapter proposals for an edited collection entitled /An Education in Facebook?/ This edited collection will focus on the relationship between Facebook and Higher Education. Facebook first emerged in 2004 as a social network for students studying at universities in the United States. It soon grew beyond North America, and beyond the confines of student networking. Having evolved initially as a student social space the platform continues to play a prominent role in the lives of many students and staff at higher education institutions.

The collection will explore the use of Facebook the higher education environment as both a social space, and also its growing use as part of teaching and learning processes, both formally and informally. From students creating informal social groups around a course of study or particular unit, and dedicated online study groups, to the use of Facebook as a formal venue for teaching, we are seeking chapters that explore these and related areas.

Is there an appropriate place for Facebook in formal higher education? What are the tensions between private and professional spaces online for students and teachers and what are the potential dangers of unintentional overlap? What are appropriate roles and responsibilities for staff, students and institutions in relation to the social network? What are the dangers of moving important aspects of the higher education learning environment to an external company that exploits social interaction for profit? How is the shift to online learning in many institutions complemented or challenged by mobile uses of social networks, including app use on smartphones and tablets? This book will explore these and other topics interrogating the contemporary role of Facebook in Higher Education.

Some suggested topics (which are by no means exhaustive):

· Facebook and/as/or Learning Management Systems?

· Facebook as support network (for online and overseas learners, for example)

· Teacher-led Facebook uses as in/formal learning

· Student-led Facebook uses as in/formal learning

· Case studies of Facebook implementation in formal learning

· Informal versus formal learning online

· Social networks and the flipped classroom

· Context collapse

· Privacy issues in social network use

· Copyright issues in social network use

· Mobile learning

· The Facebook App in education

· Roles and boundaries in networked learning

· Facebook as a backchannel (either positive or disruptive)

· The politics of 'friending' in staff and student relations

· Examples of innovative Facebook integration in higher education

· Whether Facebook has a place in formal education

· MOOCs and Facebook

· Comparative uses of Facebook and other online networks (eg Twitter)

Submission procedure:

Potential authors are invited to submit chapter abstract of no more than 500 words, including a title, 4 to 6 keywords, and a brief bio, by email to both Dr Mike Kent <(m.kent /at/ <mailto:(m.kent /at/>> and Dr Tama Leaver <(t.leaver /at/ <mailto:(t.leaver /at/>> by 18 January 2013. (Please indicate in your proposal if you wish to use any visual material, and how you have or will gain copyright clearance for visual material.) Authors will receive a response by February 15, 2013, with those provisionally accepted due as chapters of no more than 6000 words (including references) by 31 May 2013.

About the editors:

The three editors are from the Department of Internet Studies at Curtin University. Dr Mike Kent's research focus is on people with disabilities and their use of, and access to, information technology and the Internet. He recently co-authored the monograph /Disability and New Media/ (Routledge, 2011). His other area a research interest is in higher education and particularly online education. Dr Tama Leaver researches online identities, digital media distribution and networked learning. He previously spent several years as a lecturer in Higher Education Development, and is currently also a Research Fellow in Curtin's Centre for Culture and Technology. His recent book is /Artificial Culture: Identity, Technology and Bodies/ (Routledge, 2012), and he is currently co-authoring a monograph entitled /Web Presence: Staying Noticed in a Networked World/. Dr Clare Lloyd specialises in mobile communication and mobile media. Her recent publications include the co-authored papers 'Consuming apps: the Australian woman's slow appetite for apps' (2012); and 'Fun and useful apps: female identity construction and social connectedness using the mobile phone' apps' (2012).

Dr Tama Leaver
Lecturer in Internet Studies
Faculty of Humanities, Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987 Perth WA Australia 6845
Phone: (+61 8) 9266 1258
Fax: (+61 8) 9266 3166
Email: (t.leaver /at/ <mailto:(t.leaver /at/>
Web: <>

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