Archive for January 2011

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[ecrea] Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies

Wed Jan 05 21:34:15 GMT 2011

Call for Papers
BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies
Editors: Ravi S Vasudevan, Rosie Thomas, Neepa Majumdar, Moinak Biswas

We invite contributions to BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies, a blind peer-reviewed journal published by Sage biannually since January 2010: This initiative grew out of the significant emergence of research, teaching and publication on Indian/South Asian film and media over the past decade and a half. The launch editors see the journal contributing to this emerging community of scholarship, primarily centred in the areas of film and media studies, but developing in conversation with a wider orbit of image and sound practices. We invite research into a wide historical and contemporary canvas, from pre-cinematic forms of assembly through to contemporary computer practices, game cultures, ambient television, surveillance imaging, and the emerging field of screen-based art installation. The general interest of the journal extends to the rich intersection of South Asian screen practices with related forms, for example, musical recording and performance, popular print culture and stage set design, architectural space, fashion, and the history of publicity.

Apart from research papers, illustrated articles and notes are invited for a special Archives section in each issue. This could include documentation on institutional history, (government and industry reports), forms of regulation, legal contexts, popular print culture, translation of critical and popular writings on screen cultures, ethnographic diaries, photographic collections and interviews.

Another special section of the journal is the Roundtable, where we carry invited contributions that respond to the diversity and distinctiveness of media experience in this part of the world, how it connects with other places, and how it might refashion our understanding of media practice and research at large. By the end of the forthcoming BioScope 2.1 (January, 2011), the section would accumulate material rich and diverse enough to call for a general discussion. We would like to invite responses to the Roundtable from readers for future issues.

Contents (published)
Vol. 1, No. 1, January, 2010:
Editorial: Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies
Ravi Vasudevan, Rosie Thomas, Neepa Majumdar, Moinak Biswas, â??A Vision for Screen Studies in South Asiaâ??, Iftikhar Dadi, â??Bioscopic and Screen Studies of Pakistan, and of Contemporary Artâ??
Shohini Ghosh, â??The Wonderful World of Queer Cinephiliaâ??
Shanti Kumar, â??Globalization, Media Privatization and the Redifinition of the â??Publicâ?? in Indian Televisionâ??
Sudhir Mahadevan, â??Traveling Showmen, Makeshift Cinemas: The Bioscopewallah and Early Cinema History in indiaâ?? Lotte Hoek, â??Unstable Celluloid: Film Projection and the Cinema Audience in Bangladeshâ?? Ahmet Gurata, â??â??The Road to Vagrancyâ??: Translation and Reception of Indian Cinema in Turkeyâ?? Jyotnidra Jain, â??Place, Space, and Representation:Transporting Sacred Geographiesâ??

Vol. 1, No.2, July, 2010:
Nitin Govil, â??Size Mattersâ??
Christopher Pinney, â??â??â??It is a different nature which speaks to the cameraâ??: Observations on Screen Culture, Prophecy, and Politicsâ??
Ashish Rajadhyaksha, â??A Vision for Screen Studiesâ??
Claire M. Wilkinson-Weber, â??A Need for Redress: Costume in Some Recent Hindi Film Remakesâ??
Stephen Putnam Hughes, â??When Film Came to Madrasâ??
S.V. Srinivas, â??Making of a Peasant Industry: Telugu Cinema in the 1930sâ??1950sâ??
Aswin Punathambekar, `Ameen Sayani and Radio Ceylon: Notes towards a History of Broadcasting and Bombay Cinemaâ?? Debashree Mukherjee, `A Material World: notes on an Interview with Ram Tipnisâ??
Anuja Ghosalkar, `Ram Tipnis a.k.a Papa Ajoobaâ??

Vol 2, No.1, January, 2011:
Laleen Jayamanne, â??On Teaching Cinema Studies in Australiaâ??
Arvind Rajagopal, â??Notes on Postcolonial Visual Cultureâ??
Lawrence Liang, â??Mediaâ??s Law: From Representation to Affectâ??
Kaushik Bhaumik, â??Cinematograph to Cinema: Bombay 1896-1928â??
M. Madhava Prasad, â??Genre Mixing as Creative Fabricationâ??
Joppan George, â??The Many Passages of Sound: Indian Talkies in the 1930sâ??
Vol 3, No.1, January 2012
Special Issue on â??Documentary Practice and Theory in South Asiaâ?? Guest Editors: Bhaskar Sarkar and Nicole Wolf

Submission Guidelines

·Research articles (8000-10000 words)

·Shorter articles engaging new debates (Including responses to the Roundtable; circa 4000 words)

·Archival and field-note articles (3000-4000 words)

·Review essays evaluating publications, cultural events, non-fiction, short and experimental films, screen-based installations, exhibitions, conferences and festivals. Contributors are advised to contact the editors with proposals for essays in advance of writing/submission in order to avoid duplication.

All submissions should use the APA citation style. Images accompanying articles could be stills, scanned images or DVD frame grabs, but they must be of high resolution

Papers and proposals should be sent by email to
The Editors, BioScope, at (bioscope2009 /at/ <mailto:(bioscope2009 /at/>

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
Centre for Studies on Media and Culture (CeMeSO)
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T: ++ 32 (0)2-629.18.56
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European Communication Research and Education Association
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