Archive for April 2008

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[ecrea] Critical Arts Issue: Intellectual Property Rights

Thu Apr 24 16:19:20 GMT 2008

>     Critical Arts
>a south-north journal of cultural and media studies
>Theme issue on Intellectual Property Rights (see attachment)
>Critical Arts  publishes original, readable, and 
>theoretically cutting edge articles.  Many 
>articles first published in the Journal have 
>been subsequently reprinted with acknowledgement 
>elsewhere. We are proud of this republishing 
>record, which includes original articles first 
>published in Critical Arts by, eg., JM Coetzee, 
>Nadine Gordimer, and later, Stuart Hall, David 
>Kerr, Ntongela Masilela,  and Handel Kashope Wright, amongst many others.
>Intellectual Property: global perspectives from the African South  20(1)
>Eds.  Keyan G Tomaselli, Helge Ronning, Ruth Teer-Tomaselli
>Introduction: Intellectual Property Rights and 
>the Political Economy of Culture
>Helge Rønning, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo
>Pradip Thomas, School of Journalism and 
>Communication, University of Queensland
>Keyan G Tomaselli, Culture, Communication and 
>Media Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal
>Ruth Teer-Tomaselli, Culture, communication and 
>Media Studies, University of KwaZulu-Natal
>Systems of Control and Regulation  Copyright 
>Issues, Digital Divides and Citizens⬬" Rights
>Helge Rønning, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo
>Principles of copyright in intellectual property law: an overview
>Tanya Woker, Howard College School of Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal
>Copyright in the Information Age: The Catch-22 of Digital Technology
>Tana Pistorius[i], Department of 
>Law, University of South Africa
>Balancing Intellectual Property Rights with 
>Public Obligations in Developing Nations: Lessons from Africa
>Loretta M. Palmer, Utah Valley State College
>Communications and Global Intellectual Property 
>Rights: ICTâ¬"s and Development in Africa
>Sarah Helen Chiumbu, Media Researcher, Zimbabwe
>The Expropriation of Intellectual Capital and 
>the Political Economy of International Academic Publishing
>Christopher Merrett, University of KwaZulu-Natal
>Creators and Customers: copyright issues in the Canadian news media
>Joyce Smith, School of Journalism, Ryerson University
>Begging, borrowing, stealing: the context for 
>media plagiarism in 21st century South Africa
>Ian Glenn, Centre for Film and Media Studies, University of Cape Town
>Plagiarism, Public Relations and Press Releases: The case of the hidden author
>Warren Parker, Centre for AIDS Development, Research and Evaluation (CADRE)
>Oral tradition and Concepts of Ownership in Malawi
>David Kerr, Professor of Theatre and Media, University of Malawi
>Copyright, Folklore and Music Piracy in Ghana
>John Collins, Department of Music, University of Ghana
>Trafficking Trauma: Intellectual Property Rights 
>and the Political Economy of Traumatic Storytelling
>Christopher J. Colvin, Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia
>Pippa Green
>Critical Arts publishes the work of established 
>scholars and is also geared to opening spaces 
>for new, young and dynamic authors, whose 
>emerging work is of critical and theoretical 
>significance.  Amongst our authors (and in the 
>book series) are MA and Ph.D. students whose 
>work is often theoretically refreshing, 
>conceptually innovative and critically 
>challenging.  Critical Arts provides a platform 
>for such students who need to find their niche 
>within the research and publishing community.
>hors only: Critical Arts is accredited with the 
>South African Department of Education.
>Keyan Tomaselli
>Critical Arts: A Journal of South-North Cultural Studies
>c/o Culture, Communication and Media Studies
>University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 4041, South Africa
>(Ph) +27 (0)31 2602505
>(Fax) +27 (0)31 2601519
>(e-mail)  <mailto:(tomasell /at/>(tomasell /at/
>Critical Arts Home 
>For subscription information please contact:
>Europe, Taylor and Francis Customer Services, 
>Informa UK Ltd, Sheepen Place, Colchester, Essex CO3 3lP, UK.
><mailto:(tf.inquiries /at/>(tf.inquiries /at/
>Sub-Saharan Africa including South Africa, UNISA 
>Press, Box 392, Pretoria 0003, South 
>Africa.   <mailto:(Mokgojk /at/>(Mokgojk /at/
>Fax + 00 12  429 3449
>USA/Canada:  Taylor and Francis Informa PLC, 
>Journals Dept, 325 Chestnut Street, 8th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106,
>Please find our Email Disclaimer here-->: 
>* **************************************************************

Nico Carpentier (Phd)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Free University of Brussels
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