Archive for April 2003

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[eccr] QuickLinks 266 - 6 April 2003

Mon Apr 07 04:51:29 GMT 2003

QuickLinks 266 - 6 April 2003

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Forthcoming events:
Home Page:

Legal and regulatory issues

1. EU - Commission clears merger between Stream and Telepiù
2. US - AOL asks FCC to lift IM restriction

Computer crime
3. AU - New laws for net child porn
4. DE - BKA ermittelt gegen Tausch von Kinderpornografie über KaZaA
5. UK - Cambridge - Computer programme jailed
6. US - 3 get prison sentences in online child porn case

Consumer protection
7. Warning on web travel deals

Content regulation
8. The only auto company in the world that peddles porn
9. UK - ITC faces court action in CNBC funding row
10. UK - Minister rules out controls on press freedom

Copyright, trademarks and patents
11. CA - Technical Protection Measures
12. EU - Moving towards Consensus on Digital Rights Management - Speech
by Mr Liikanen
13. US - DMCA critics decry state-level proposals
14. US - Record Industry and Webcasters Agree on Royalty Rates for
Online Music
15. US - RIAA sues campus file-swappers

Data Protection (privacy)
16. Traveling? Take Big Brother Along
17. US - ACLU cyberchief worried about privacy

Digital divide
18. Is Africa ready for 3G?

19. EU - Political agreement on Directive on re-use and commercial
exploitation of public sector documents

Electronic commerce
20. FR - Avant-projet de loi relatif aux communications électroniques
21. US - Gambling Sites Adjust to Scrutiny

Information society and Internet policy
22. US - UCLA Internet Report - "Surveying the Digital Future"
23. WSIS - Draft declaration of principles and action plan

24. US - Online Phone Monitoring Sticky for FBI

Internet access and use
25. UK - Oftel pushes for cheaper narrowband Internet

Junk mail (spam)
26. US - Spam suits seek poetic justice

Mobile and wireless
27. UK - Pre-paying Brits won't flock to 3G

Protection of minors
28. DE - Wir betreten Neuland³
29. DE - Computerspiele - Die Schwachstellen eines Gesetzes
30. DE - Das neue Gesetz stellt digitale Kultur unter Generalverdacht
31. DE - beanstandete mehr als 819 deutsche Online-Anbieter
32. DE - Neue Jugendschutzgesetz - MSN schließt Erwachsenengruppen
33. DE - Neue Kommission will Jugendschutz in Medien verstärken
34. DE - Neues Jugendschutzrecht wird nicht weiter verschärft

Racism and xenophobia
35. DE - Überflüssiges gegen rechts

Rating and filtering
36. DE - Gutachten: Unzureichender Jugendschutz durch Filtersysteme
37. US - Child Porn Law Creates Catch-22

38. EU - European Regulators' Group agrees steps towards implementation
of Electronic Communications Package

Market & Technology

Internet access and use
39. Streaming video hits prime time
40. UK - Broadband price drop is fix, say ISPs

41. AOL touts new broadband pacts
42. US - AOL's shrinking dial-up base
43. US - Will broadband providers control Net content?

Rating and filtering
44. Net Porn

45. W3C - Microsoft leaves standards group

46. Net users flock to news websites
47. Sweden top Web-savvy nation
48. US - More high-speed Net subscribers

Forthcoming events

49. 2003-07-31 US, Orlando - Pista '03

1. EU - Commission clears merger between Stream and Telepiù (RAPID)
The European Commission has cleared the proposed acquisition by
Australian media group Newscorp of Italian pay-television company
Telepiù from Vivendi Universal. Telepiú will be merged with Stream, the
other pay-TV company in Italy, currently a 50/50 joint venture of
Newscorp and Telecom Italia. Newscorp will hold control of the new
company . Telecom Italia will hold a minority stake not exceeding 19,9%.
The operation results in a near-monopoly in the Italian pay-TV market.
But the Commission has taken the view that authorising the merger,
subject to appropriate conditions, would be more beneficial to consumers
than the disruption that would have been caused by the likely closure of
Stream, the smaller and weaker of the two existing operators.

2. US - AOL asks FCC to lift IM restriction (CNET
AOL Time Warner has submitted a petition asking to be excused from the
instant messaging interoperability requirements imposed by the Federal
Communications Commission. The petition asks the regulatory agency to
remove a restriction forbidding America Online from offering video
streaming through its popular instant messaging services.

3. AU - New laws for net child porn (Australia)
People who use the internet for child pornography will face up to 10
years jail under new laws to be introduced by the federal government.
Downloading or transmitting child pornography would become a federal

4. DE - BKA ermittelt gegen Tausch von Kinderpornografie über KaZaA (Heise)
Bundesweit 57 mutmaßlichen Besitzern von Kinderpornografie ist das
Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) über das Internet auf die Spur gekommen. Bei
anschließenden Durchsuchungen von Wohnungen und Geschäftsräumen im
Rahmen der Aktion Herakles stellten die Beamten in der vergangenen Woche
72 Computer, 5144 Datenträger und 405 Videos sicher, wie die Behörde am
heutigen Mittwoch mitteilt. Die Verdächtigen sollen über die
Internet-Tauschbörse KaZaA kinderpornografische Dateien angeboten haben.
Das BKA unterstreicht in diesem Zusammenhang ausdrücklich, dass auch
Tauschbörsen kein rechtsfreier Raum seien.

5. UK - Cambridge - Computer programme jailed (Cambridge News)
A computer programmer who downloaded more than 2,500 images of child
pornography from the internet has begun a nine month jail sentence.

6. US - 3 get prison sentences in online child porn case (Seattle
A couple and man who raped little children and took photos of the crimes
that were traded on the Internet were given federal prison sentences
ranging from 15 to 27 years.

7. Warning on web travel deals (BBC)
A co-ordinated international world-wide internet search has identified
more than 50 UK travel websites which make potentially misleading
claims. The OFT and 55 local trading standards offices were among 87
enforcement agencies in 24 countries who surfed the internet looking for
potentially misleading claims about travel deals. The sweeps are
organised by the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement
Network (ICPEN), a network of consumer protection authorities in 31

8. The only auto company in the world that peddles porn (Cincinatti
General Motors is the only auto company in the world that peddles porn.
GM owns Hughes Electronics, which owns DirecTV, which offers hard-core
porn that could be prosecuted in court, according to the Religious
Alliance Against Pornography and the National Coalition for the
Protection of Families and Children.

9. UK - ITC faces court action in CNBC funding row (BBC)
CNBC Europe is threatening to take the television watchdog to court
after a row over European Union funding for its programmes. The
broadcaster said it would seek a judicial review of the independent
television commission's decision that it was wrong to accept almost
£200,000 from the EU for a series of programmes about the euro. see ITC
News Release

10. UK - Minister rules out controls on press freedom (Times)
Tessa Jowell, the Culture Secretary, rejected calls from MPs to put
newspapers under statutory controls, saying that any such restrictions
would be unacceptable in a democratic society.

11. CA - Technical Protection Measures (Canadian Heritage)
Part I - Trends in Technical Protection Measures and Circumvention
Technologies. This is the first of two companion Studies prepared for
the Copyright Policy Branch of the Department of Canadian Heritage by
the law firm of Nelligan O'Brien Payne LLP. These Studies address a
range of policy considerations associated with the use of technological
protection measures (TPMs) as a means of applying the law of copyright
in digital environments.

12. EU - Moving towards Consensus on Digital Rights Management - Speech
by Mr Liikanen (RAPID)
Mr Erkki Liikanen, Member of the European Commission, responsible for
Enterprise and the Information Society, Workshop on Digital Rights
Management, Brussels, 25 March 2003. see Information Society DG Digital
Rights Management and Events.

13. US - DMCA critics decry state-level proposals (CNET
Critics of the federal Digital Millennium Copyright Act are disturbed by
proposals for similar laws at the state level. Quietly, opponents said,
with few people paying close attention, state legislators are
considering bills that would be even broader than the controversial
DMCA, which restricts bypassing copy-protection measures.

14. US - Record Industry and Webcasters Agree on Royalty Rates for
Online Music (Washington Post)
The recording industry and Internet music broadcasters have agreed on
how much big webcasters like Yahoo!, America Online, Microsoft and
RealNetworks must pay to broadcast songs over the Internet during 2003
and 2004. The new deal, if approved by the U.S. Copyright Office, will
allow the two industries to avoid a lengthy arbitration process to set
the royalty rates.

15. US - RIAA sues campus file-swappers (CNET
The recording industry has stepped up its campaign against campus music
swapping, filing suit against four university students who operated
file-search services on their school's internal networks. The lawsuits,
filed against two students at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI),
and one each at Princeton University and Michigan Technological
University, ratchet up the pressure that the Recording Industry
Association of America (RIAA) recently has been putting on universities
to block campus file-trading. see also comments by Michigan Tech and
Princeton (Chronicle of Higher Education).

16. Traveling? Take Big Brother Along (Wired)
Travel industry databases contain a wealth of information, including but
not limited to whom travelers have shared a room with, what movies they
watched, what they ate, and even whether they are grumpy or easy to get
along with. Passenger name records (PNRs) are maintained by airlines,
computerized reservations systems and travel agencies. see
Computer-Assisted Passenger Prescreening 2 (CAPPS-II) presentation by
Edward Hasbrouck at CFP 2003.

17. US - ACLU cyberchief worried about privacy (AP)
Barry Steinhardt is paid to be paranoid. The American Civil Liberties
Union's cyberchief holds up his Handspring Treo, a combination
organizer, phone and e-mail gadget, as he describes the many ways his
government might spy on him.

18. Is Africa ready for 3G? (CNET
Next-generation cell phone networks are arriving in Africa, a region
some carriers view as an enormous business opportunity, despite
widespread poverty.

19. EU - Political agreement on Directive on re-use and commercial
exploitation of public sector documents (RAPID)
Results of the Telecom Council of Ministers, 27 March 2003. The Council
reached unanimous political agreement on a future common position on the
proposal for a Directive on re-use and commercial exploitation of public
sector documents.

20. FR - Avant-projet de loi relatif aux communications électroniques (DDM)
Après une consultation publique au cours de laquelle l¹ensemble des
acteurs concernés ont pu faire valoir leurs préoccupations, le ministère
de la culture et de la communication et le ministère délégué à
l¹industrie ont élaboré un avant-projet de loi relatif aux
communications électroniques, destiné à assurer la transposition en
droit français des directives communautaires en la matière (communément
désignées comme « paquet télécoms »). Soumis à consultation publique,
cet avant-projet de loi est susceptible d'être modifié à l'issue de la
consultation . voir aussi l'exposé des motifs.

21. US - Gambling Sites Adjust to Scrutiny (New York Times)
Congress took substantial action against Internet betting, with a House
committee passing a bill to curb online gambling and a nearly identical
bill being introduced in the Senate. Similar bills have been introduced
in Congress before, but none passed both houses in the same session.
With increased Congressional interest now, the legislation may well
reach the president's desk this year.

22. US - UCLA Internet Report - "Surveying the Digital Future" (UCLA
Center for Communication Policy)
UCLA Internet Report -Year Three. The UCLA Internet Project is a
comprehensive, year-to-year examination of the impact of online
technology on America. This work is part of the World Internet Project.

23. WSIS - Draft declaration of principles and action plan (WSIS)
World Summit on the Information Society. An information society for all
and an opportunity for all to comment. Draft declaration of principles
and Draft action plan

24. US - Online Phone Monitoring Sticky for FBI (AP)
Wiretapping takes on a whole new meaning now that phone calls are being
made over the Internet, posing legal and technical hurdles for the FBI.
The FBI wants regulators to affirm that such services fall under a 1994
law requiring phone companies to build in surveillance capabilities. It
is also pushing the industry to create technical standards to make
wiretapping easier and cheaper.

25. UK - Oftel pushes for cheaper narrowband Internet (ZDNet)
Oftel is pushing for the cost of BT's wholesale unmetered narrowband
Internet access products to be cut by 17 percent. The telecoms regulator
said that some of the charges that BT levies on the service providers
that use its network to offer dial-up services are no longer fair. Oftel
wants these costs to be dropped by BT, and claims that this would be
good news for consumers. see Intelligent Network (IN) Charge for DLE and

26. US - Spam suits seek poetic justice (CNET
Habeas is suing bulk e-mailers, accusing them of using its poetry
without permission in an unusual use of trademark law to clamp down on
spammers. Habeas puts a new twist on spam prevention by inserting some
trademarked haiku lines into the header of an e-mail. When it launched,
Habeas promised to closely track how its haikus were used and threatened
to sue those who ran afoul of its trademarks and copyrights.

27. UK - Pre-paying Brits won't flock to 3G (ZDNet Uk)
Many mobile phone users are too cost-conscious to make the leap to 3G. A
new study from independent research group The Work Foundation casts
doubt on the ability of third-generation network operators to build
successful mass-market services in the near term.

28. DE - Wir betreten Neuland³ (Süddeutsche Zeitung)
Knapp ein Jahr nach dem Schulmassaker in Erfurt haben Bund und Länder
Neuregelungen getroffen, um Kinder und Jugendliche besser vor
Gewaltdarstellungen in Fernsehen und Internet zu schützen. Am 1 April
ist der neue Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag in Kraft getreten, der
Gesetze und Staatsverträge zusammenfasst und vereinheitlicht; Herzstück
ist die Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz (KJM) in Erfurt. Eine
Schlüsselrolle spielt Wolf-Dieter Ring, 61, Präsident der Bayerischen
Landeszentrale für Neue Medien. siehe dazu auch das Statement des
Vorsitzenden der Kommission für Jugendmedienschutz (KJM), Prof. Dr.
Wolf-Dieter Ring. Bitkom begrüßt neuen Jugendschutz (Yahoo)

29. DE - Computerspiele - Die Schwachstellen eines Gesetzes
Seit einigen Tagen ist das neue deutsche Jugendschutzgesetz in Kraft.
Hermann Achilles, Geschäftsführer vom Verband der Unterhaltungssoftware,
sieht Probleme auf seine Branche zukommen.

30. DE - Das neue Gesetz stellt digitale Kultur unter Generalverdacht
Am 1. April 2003 tritt in Deutschland die Neufassung des
Jugendschutzgesetzes in Kraft. Im Wesentlichen fordert das neue Gesetz,
dass prinzipiell ALLE Video- und Computerspiele von der USK, der
Unterhaltungssoftware SelbstKontrolle, zu prüfen sind. Spiele ohne
USK-Kennzeichnung (genauso wie jene, die von der USK das neue Prädikat
"Keine Jugendfreigabe" erhalten) dürfen an Minderjährigen nicht mehr
verkauft und nicht mehr über Versandhandel vertrieben werden. Über das
neue Jugendschutzgesetz und seine Auswirkungen auf die deutsche
Videospielszene befragte Thomas Willmann den Leiter der USK, K.-Peter

31. DE - beanstandete mehr als 819 deutsche
Online-Anbieter (Heise)
Die Länder-Organisation hat im vergangenen Jahr 819
Internet-Anbieter wegen jugendgefährdender Online-Seiten beanstandet. In
75 Prozent dieser Fälle hätten die Betreiber die Seiten anschließend
ausreichend geändert.

32. DE - Neue Jugendschutzgesetz - MSN schließt Erwachsenengruppen
Microsoft schließt mit sofortiger Wirkung sämtliche Erwachsenengruppen
innerhalb seines Dienstes MSN Groups. Man will damit prophylaktisch dem
neuen Jugendmedienschutz-Staatsvertrag (JMStV) Rechnung tragen, der am
1. April in Kraft getreten ist. Der JMStV verpflichtet unter anderem
Dienste-Anbieter (Host-, Access-, Content-Provider), Kindern und
Jugendlichen den Zugang zu jugendgefährdenden Inhalten durch
Altersverifizierung zu erschweren bzw. die Verbreitung
jugendgefährdender Inhalte auf Nachtzeiten zu beschränken.

33. DE - Neue Kommission will Jugendschutz in Medien verstärken (Heise)
Die Landesmedienanstalten wollen mit der neuen Kommission für
Jugendmedienschutz (KJM) stärker gegen Gewalt in Privatfernsehen und
Internet vorgehen. Damit gebe es erstmals eine gemeinsame Aufsicht für
Rundfunk und Internet, sagte der Vorsitzende Wolf-Dieter Ring heute nach
der ersten Sitzung der Kommission in Erfurt. Die Anbieter sollten sich
selbst regulieren, wenn sie dafür von der Kommission anerkannt seien.
Die rechtliche Grundlage dafür ist der neue

34. DE - Neues Jugendschutzrecht wird nicht weiter verschärft (Heise)
Die erst am 1. April in Kraft getretenen neuen Jugendschutzbestimmungen
werden kurzfristig nicht weiter verschärft. Ein Gesetzentwurf der
unionsregierten Länder aus dem Bundesrat wurde im Bundestag von SPD,
Grünen und FDP abgelehnt. Nach den Vorschlägen von CDU/CSU sollte der
Umgang mit Videofilmen, die Gewalt zeigen, und mit derartigen Computer-
und Videospielen noch weiter eingeschränkt werden.

35. DE - Überflüssiges gegen rechts (taz)
Der Bundesrechnungshof sagt: Die Regierungsprogramme gegen
"Rechtsextremismus" sind ineffektiv. Kosten und Nutzen stünden in keinem
vernünftigen Verhältnis zueinander, darum sollten sie gestoppt werden.

36. DE - Gutachten: Unzureichender Jugendschutz durch Filtersysteme (Heise)
Pünktlich zum heutigen Inkrafttreten des neuen
Jugendmedienschutzsstaatsvertrages (JMStV) legt die
Ergebnisse eines im Auftrag des Landes Niedersachsen vorgenommenen
Vergleichs verschiedener Filterprogramme vor. Während man mit
Verbesserungen von Filtern für Pornographie ingesamt zufrieden ist,
sieht man noch große Lücken bei der Filterung von Gewalt und
rechtsextremen Seiten. Ein geradezu vernichtendes Urteil fällt über ICRASafe. Im Test waren daneben die
AOL-Kindersicherung und speziell gepflegte Kinderangebote von AOL,
Arcor-Juniornet, Cobion Orangebox, Surfcontrol, Symantec und Webwasher.

37. US - Child Porn Law Creates Catch-22 (Wired)
Pennsylvania's attorney general is citing laws against distributing
child pornography in refusing to identify any of hundreds of websites
his office has forced the nation's largest Internet providers to block
under a unique state law. The Center for Democracy and Technology had
sought the list of sites to buttress its assertions that the
Pennsylvania law blocks Web surfers visiting innocent sites located in
the same electronic neighborhoods as those peddling illegal porn. The
attorney general's office said disclosing the list of blocked websites
would itself be disseminating such pornography, which is illegal.

38. EU - European Regulators' Group agrees steps towards implementation
of Electronic Communications Package (RAPID)
The European Regulators Group (ERG) which is comprised of the Member
States' National Regulatory Authorities in the field of telecoms, held
its third meeting on 28 March 2003 in Brussels. The Group is established
by the New Electronic Communications Package that is due to be
implemented by the Member States by end of July this year.

39. Streaming video hits prime time (CNET
Streaming video is coming of age as numerous Internet news and
entertainment outlets tout new programming and combined subscription
services geared toward broadband audiences.

40. UK - Broadband price drop is fix, say ISPs (Guardian)
Internet service providers have reacted angrily to BT's latest broadband
price cuts, claiming they will be unable to pass on savings to consumers
and calling on regulators to step in. An AOL spokesman said while BT has
dropped the monthly wholesale price it has doubled the price it charges
to ISPs to activate a new account from £25 to £50. see also BT cuts
price of broadband;

41. AOL touts new broadband pacts (CNET
America Online unveiled new broadband partnerships in the campaign to
entice its dial-up subscribers to high-speed Internet access. The online
subsidiary of AOL Time Warner announced a new agreement with Major
League Baseball's MLB Advanced Media that will provide AOL broadband
subscribers with access to a variety of video and audio programs. AOL's
strategy now emphasizes offering new features geared toward broadband
users, in a quest to harness Internet users' growing enthusiasm for
high-speed services that enable streaming audio and video over the Web.

42. US - AOL's shrinking dial-up base (Reuters)
America Online expects to see its dial-up subscriber base contract,
extending a trend seen in the last quarter, according to a regulatory
filing the Internet division of AOL Time Warner. The remark reflects a
quandary many Internet service providers face and underscores the
importance of making strides in the high-speed, or broadband, world.

43. US - Will broadband providers control Net content? (IDG)
As the U.S.' Internet architecture moves from dial-up access to
broadband, some speakers at the Computers, Freedom and Privacy (CFP)
conference in New York expressed concern that the major cable operators
that provide the high-speed networks will control users' access to
content. The Center for Digital Democracy's fear is of a broadband world
where cable operators steer users to content, services and applications
that they or their partners own, and impede access to competitors'
offerings, by slowing down users' connection rates to those sites or
blocking them altogether. They argue for either allowing ISPs (Internet
service providers) open access to the high-speed networks, or drafting
regulations preventing broadband providers from limiting users' access
to Web content and services.

44. Net Porn (Observer)
Millions of men log on to adult sex sites every day. With unlimited porn
just a click away, cybersex is changing the way men view real women. But
what happens to their emotions when the screen shuts down?

45. W3C - Microsoft leaves standards group (CNET
Microsoft has pulled out of a working group within the Web's leading
standards organisation, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) focused on
establishing rules for how businesses will send and receive data to one
another via Web services. The company withdrew from the W3C's so-called
choreography group because it determined that the scope of the group did
not align well with the work of two Microsoft researchers.

46. Net users flock to news websites (NUA)
Traffic to major news websites soared during the week ending March 23rd
as large numbers of people went online to find out about developments in
the war against Iraq. According to new data from Nielsen-Netratings, broke the 10 million mark at work, with traffic rising by 58
percent compared to the previous week.

47. Sweden top Web-savvy nation (Reuters)
Sweden has overtaken the United States as the Web-savviest nation on the
planet. Denmark, was also more aggressive in taking advantage of the
Internet than the United States, according to research carried out by
U.S. computer company International Business Machines and the
intelligence unit of British magazine The Economist.

48. US - More high-speed Net subscribers (NUA)
America¹s leading cable and DSL providers added a combined 6.4 million
high-speed Internet subscribers during 2002, according to new data from
Leichtman Research Group. At the end of 2002, the leading providers had
accumulated a total of over 17.4 million high-speed Internet subscribers
in the US.

49. 2003-07-31 US, Orlando - Pista '03 (IIS)
Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications: July
31, August 1-2, 2003 - Orlando, Florida, USA Jointly with The
International Conference On Computer, Communication And Control
Technologies: CCCT '03

Main Sources and Contributors: Baker & McKenzie E-Law Alert, Michael
Geist BNA - ILN,,, Gerhard Heine,
David Goldstein,,

Links to news items about legal and regulatory aspects of Internet and
the information society, particularly those relating to information
content, and market and technology.

QuickLinks is edited by Richard Swetenham (richard.swetenham /at/

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