Archive for April 2002

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[eccr] QuickLinks 232 - 28 April 2002 - 31-60

Mon Apr 29 09:04:37 GMT 2002

31. ENUM - Listing again (Economist)
ENUM, a way of turning telephone numbers into Internet addresses by
converting the numbers into domain names ending in .arpa is proving

32. ICANN Seeks Out Dot-Org Operator (Washtech)
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) put
out a request for proposals from organizations and companies
interested in operating dot-org. see Schedule and Fee for .org
Request for Proposals.

33. Research - 4525 different domains that lead to a single porn
site (ICANNWatch)
Contributed by Ben Edelman. In casual web surfing, many Internet
users have stumbled into a seemingly-innocuous domain name that oddly
presented a screen full of sexually-explicit images. 4525 distinct
domains that each lead to the Tina's Webcam site. These domains were
previously registered by others who seem to have let the domains
expire, whether through forgetfulness, confusion, or lack of
interest. Complete listing & analysis.

34. Ausl=E4ndische E-Government-Strategien und ihre institutionellen
Rahmenbedingungen (Hans-Bredow-Institut)
Studie von Martin Eifert und Jan Ole P=FCschel im Rahmen der
rechtswissenschaftlichen Begleitforschung zum Media@Komm-Projekt,
durchgef=FChrt im Auftrag des BMWI, Zwischenbericht (Februar 2002)
(Arbeitspapiere des Hans-Bredow-Instituts Nr. 9)  (PDF-Datei)

35. Consultant's viewpoint on e-government (FT)
The drive to deliver government services online is now entering its
critical phase. Governments are under increasing pressure not only to
reach the ambitious targets for full electronic service delivery
(ESD) that most of them have set themselves, but also to ensure that
e-government services are effectively taken up by citizens and
businesses and thus deliver their full transformational potential.

36. Deutschland - Koalitionsfraktionen machen Druck f=FCr
Informationsfreiheitsgesetz (Heise)
Bei einem Treffen einer Koalitionsrunde von SPD und B90-Gr=FCne wurde
beschlossen, ein "Informationsfreiheitsgesetz, das den Namen auch
verdient, noch in dieser Legislaturperiode zu verabschieden", sagte
der Bundestagsabgeordnete J=F6rg Tauss (SPD).

37. EU - Company law: expert group launches online consultation on
possible reforms (RAPID)
The High Level Group of Company Law Experts set up by the European
Commission has launched consultations on possible reforms to company
law in Europe. The deadline for comments is 21st June 2002.

38. France - Site internet public de l'acc=E8s au droit
Le site internet public de l'acc=E8s au droit ouvrira le 15 septembre
2002. Il sera accessible =E0 partir de l'adresse Il comportera les services suivants,
tous disponibles gratuitement: des donn=E9es juridiques (la
Constitution; le Journal officiel; les codes, lois et r=E8glements; la
jurisprudence du Conseil Constitutionnel, des juridictions
administratives et des juridictions judiciaires), des modes de
recherche adapt=E9s aux diff=E9rents usagers du service. En outre, des
licences de rediffusion seront consenties sur l'ensemble des donn=E9es
propres au service au co=FBt marginal de mise =E0 disposition des donn=E9es.

39. UK - Britons 'do not want e-government' (BBC)
A former civil servant has added his voice to recent criticisms of
the UK's e-government policy, questioning whether people actually
want online services. Business development officer for NextiraOne Ken
D'Rosario was scathing about the government's determination to be a
world leader in the delivery of electronic services.

40. UK - Government on the Web II (UK National Audit Office)
Report by the Comptroller and Auditor General. The report examines
progress in implementing electronic public services delivery via the
Internet within UK central government over the last two years. A
significant amount of taxpayers' money is being spent in central and
local government in introducing Internet-based services. It finds
considerable progress since the previous report in 1999 but
weaknesses in information across government on the usage of its web
sites, performance indicators to measure progress and methodologies
to assess the value added by e-government provision. see also UK -
Whitehall failing to meet Blair's website target (Guardian).

41. EU - European Commission to encourage public-private
partnerships in education (RAPID)
In promoting the implementation of e-learning in Europe, Viviane
Reding, Member of the Commission with responsibility for Education
and Culture, welcomed the launch of the eLearning Industry Group. The
Group, which has been established at the initiative of 15 leading
companies, will assist the Commission and Member State Governments in
furthering the objectives of the Commission's eLearning Action Plan.
The 15 founding members of the e-learning Industry Group are : 3Com,
Accenture, Apple, BT, Cisco, Digitalbrain, IBM, Intel, Line
Communications, NIIT, Nokia, Online Courseware Factory, Sanoma WSOY,
Sun Microsystems and Vivendi Universal Publishing.

42. France - Label =AB=E9cole de l'internet=BB (
Le d=E9cret relatif =E0 la d=E9livrance du label "=E9cole de l'internet" est
publi=E9 au Journal officiel. Ce label est destin=E9 =E0 faire =E9merger un
r=E9seau national "d'=E9coles de l'internet" d=E9di=E9 =E0 la formation aux
technologies et aux applications de l'internet dans l'ensemble des
secteurs =E9conomiques.

43. Deutschland - Unterschriftenaktion gegen Internetapotheken (Heise)
Deutschlands Apotheker machen mobil gegen den Versandhandel von
Arzneimitteln: Seit einer Woche sammeln sie in 21.500 Apotheken
Unterschriften von Kunden und Patienten, um die Einf=FChrung von
Internetapotheken zu verhindern.

44. USA - Courts OKs Seizure Of Net Gambling Cash Destined For U.K.
A federal appeals court has upheld what the U.S. government says is
its right to seize revenue that was on its way to an online gambling
outfit in the U.K. where the betting was entirely legal. A three-
judge panel of the 3rd Circuit's Court of Appeals said U.S. gambling
laws could be used to wrest more than $1.3 million from an operation
based on the Isle of Man because bets by American gamblers touched
down at a New Jersey company that served as a relay for funds
transfers by wire.

45. ILPF Conference 2002 (Internet Law and Policy Forum)
September 17-19, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA.

46. France - ADSL : France T=E9l=E9com doit revoir sa copie (transfert)
Dans une d=E9cision prise mardi 16 avril au matin, l=B4Autorit=E9 de
r=E9gulation des t=E9l=E9communications (ART) oblige France T=E9l=E9com =E0
baisser ses prix pour le d=E9groupage, et impose une nouvelle grille
tarifaire, applicable d=E8s le 2 mai 2002. Cette d=E9cision devrait
permettre une plus grande concurrence sur les offres ADSL, et donc un
d=E9veloppement de l=B4acc=E8s =E0 l=B4 Internet haut d=E9bit. voir
D=E9groupage -
l'Autorit=E9 modifie les conditions tarifaires et op=E9rationnelles de
l'offre de r=E9f=E9rence (Communiqu=E9 de presse)

47. USA - Report Slams Cable ISP Deregulation (Washtech)
Federal regulators should not count on satellite providers and phone
companies to provide ample competition to cable in the high-speed
Internet market if regulators approve the $72 billion merger between
Comcast and AT&T's broadband unit, consumer groups warned.  In a
study The Failure of Intermodal Competition in Cable and
Communications Markets, the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and
the Computer & Communications Industry Association noted that
satellite and digital subscriber line (DSL) Internet access providers
serve largely different markets than the cable companies.

48. EU - EP Committee again votes for 'national choice' on e-spam
During its second reading on 18 April, the EP Citizens' Rights
Committee decided that users should have the right to refuse
'cookies' and that it is up to Member States to decide for opt-in or
opt-out on spam. see also No unlimited storage of electronic user
data (EP Notebook).

49. Netherlands / Germany - ISP forced to pull 'sabotage' site
A Dutch court has upheld a request from German railway company
Deutsche Bahn to order internet service provider XS4All to remove
documents published by dissident group Radikal. The group advocates
disrupting nuclear waste shipments by cutting overhead power lines on
train tracks. An XS4All spokesman said that Deutsche Bahn wanted to
block the home page of one of its users because it contained two
'sabotage' articles from 1996. Deutsche Bahn said that it also
planned to sue search engines Google, AltaVista and Yahoo for
providing links to web pages that describe railway sabotage.

50. Deutschland - Providerverband legt Protest gegen Website-
Sperrungen ein (Heise)
Der Streit um die von der D=FCsseldorfer Bezirksregierung verh=E4ngten
Verf=FCgungen gegen Internet-Provider, die den Zugang zu
rechtsextremistischen Web-Sites in den USA sperren m=FCssen, hat nun
auch die nordrhein-westf=E4lische Staatskanzlei erreicht. In einem
Brief an Ministerpr=E4sident Wolfgang Clement (SPD), beklagt der
Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft eco "eklatante Verst=F6=DFe" der
Bezirksregierung gegen rechtsstaatliche Grunds=E4tze im laufenden

51. Espa=F1a - El PP enmienda la ley de Internet para que s=F3lo los
jueces puedan cerrar 'webs (El Pais)
El Grupo Popular ha recogido alguna de las cr=EDticas de la oposici=F3n
a la ley de Internet (LSSI) y va a modificarla para dejar a los
jueces la potestad exclusiva para cerrar webs y servidores. La
redacci=F3n actual del borrador encomienda esta tarea a las
'autoridades competentes', una expresi=F3n que fue considerada
'ambigua' por los grupos de la oposici=F3n, ya que permit=EDa que una
autoridad administrativa, por ejemplo, clausurara los sistemas de
servicios de la Red. see also Spain's website regulation plan: Not
that bad (
Comments by Jose Guardia.

52. Niederlanden / Deutschland - Deutsche Bahn gewinnt gegen
Provider der Zeitschrift "Radikal" (Heise)
Die Deutsche Bahn AG hat den niederl=E4ndischen Webhoster XS4ALL dazu
gezwungen, zwei deutschsprachige Anleitungen zur Sabotage des
Eisenbahnbetriebs vom Netz zu nehmen. siehe auch Suchmaschinen
entfernen "radikale" Links (Heise)
Die deutschen Tochtergesellschaften der Suchmaschinen Google,
Altavista und Yahoo folgen der Abmahnung der Deutschen Bahn, Links
auf die Site der linksradikalen Zeitschrift Radikal aus dem Angebot
zu nehmen.

53. USA - EBay's Risky Bid (Corporate Counsel)
The auctioneer patrols its site for fraud, but says it's not
ultimately responsible for wrongdoing on Michael Geist says
"this interesting article discusses the formation of the eBay's legal
department and eBay's increasingly proactive approach to legal issues
confronting the online auction site." see also eBay limits use of
discussion boards (vnunet).

54. USA - Google Runs Into Copyright Dispute (New York Times)
Google, the company behind the popular Web search engine, has been
playing a complicated game recently that involves the Church of
Scientology and a controversial copyright law. Legal experts say the
episode highlights problems with the law that can make companies or
individuals liable for linking to sites they do not control. And it
has turned Google, whose business is built around a database of two
billion Web pages, into a quiet campaigner for the freedom to link.
see also Google Asked to Delist Scientology Critics (Chilling Effects

55. UK - Youngsters targeted by digital bullies (BBC)
More than one in four youngsters in the UK has been threatened via
their computers or mobile phones, according to a survey. Children's
charity NCH, which commissioned the research, now wants young people
to be taught how to deal with 21st-Century bullying techniques.

56. Deutschland - Betreiber rechtsextremistischer Homepage in
spektakul=E4rer Aktion festgenommen (ZgR)
In einer spektakul=E4ren Aktion eines Sondereinsatzkommandos (SEK) der
Polizei wurde der Betreiber der rechtsextremistischen Homepage "Sturm
18 Cassel" in Kassel festgenommen.

57. France - Dix-huit mois de prison pour propos racistes tenus sur
des forums de discussion (Forum des droits sur l'internet)
Le Tribunal de grande instance de Paris a condamn=E9 =E0 18 mois
d'emprisonnement avec sursis, le 26 mars 2002, l'auteur de plusieurs
propos racistes publi=E9s sur divers forums de discussion. Le pr=E9venu
avait pr=E9cis=E9 qu'il s'=E9tait, dans certains cas, born=E9 a reproduire
des messages d=E9j=E0 diffus=E9s par d'autres personnes.

58. Norway - Man Imprisoned Over Online Hate Speech (AP)
A Norwegian man has been sentenced to 75 days in prison for racist
and anti-semitic postings on a Web site. The postings were found to
violate Norway's anti-racism law. The case is the first conviction in
Norway for online hate and is seen as particularly significant since
the postings occurred on a site hosted in the United States.

59. EU - Council Resolution on video games (CELEX)
Council Resolution of 1 March 2002 on the protection of consumers,
in particular young people, through the labelling of certain video
games and computer games according to age group.

60. Argentina - Hacking 'legal' (BBC)
An Argentine judge has ruled that hacking is legal by default in the
country, arguing that the law covers crimes against people, things
and animals, but not cyberspace. It is the first case against
computer hacking in Argentina.

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