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[Commlist] New book: The Commons: Economic Alternatives in a Digital Age (new open access book title)

Tue Oct 27 15:22:17 GMT 2020


*Economic Alternatives in a Digital Age*
Vangelis Papadimitropoulos

This book explores the potential creation of a broader collaborative economy through commons-based peer production (P2P) and the emergent role of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The book seeks to critically engage in the political discussion of commons-based peer production, which can be classified into three basic arguments: the liberal, the reformist and the anti-capitalist. This book categorises the liberal argument as being in favour of the coexistence of the commons with the market and the state. Reformists, on the other hand, advocate for the gradual adjustment of the state and of capitalism to the commons, while anti-capitalists situate the commons against capitalism and the state.

By discussing these three viewpoints, the book contributes to contemporary debates concerning the future of commons-based peer production. Further, the author argues that for the commons to become a fully operational mode of peer production, it needs to reach critical mass arguing that the liberal argument underestimates the reformist insight that technology has the potential to decentralise production, thereby forcing capitalism to transition to post-capitalism. Surveying the three main strands of commons-based peer production, this book makes the case for a post-capitalist commons-orientated transition that moves beyond neoliberalism.


1. Introducing the Commons

Part 1: The Liberal Commons

2. The Liberal Commons

Part 2: The Reformist Commons

3. The Reformist Commons

Part 3: The Anti-capitalist Commons

4. The Anti-capitalist Commons

5. Conclusion: Reformatting the Commons


Vangelis Papadimitropoulos is a political theorist, social scientist, independent researcher, and editor holding a PhD in political philosophy. Formerly a Research Affiliate and post-doc researcher at the Free University of Amsterdam and the University of Limerick, he has written extensively on the topic of the commons. This is his first book.

Open Access

PDF, ePub and kindle versions available free from books:

PDF 978-1-912656-84-4 ePub 978-1 912656-85-1 Kindle978-1-912656-86-8

DOI: 10.16997/book46

Format 270 pages 229 x 152mm


UK£24.99 US$24.95EUR €28 CAN $48 AUS $52


Political Economy |Social Theory| Media Studies

Published open access by the University of Westminster Press

Published 20 October 2020

This book is published in the Critical Digital and Social Media Studies Series


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