Archive for publications, June 2019

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[Commlist] Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 11.1 published

Tue Jun 11 07:10:02 GMT 2019

Intellect is pleased to announce that Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies 11.1 is now available!

For more information about the issue and journal, click here >>

Aims & Scope

The Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies (CJCS) is committed to publishing research and theoretical articles in the fields of media studies, popular culture and cinema, public relations and advertising studies, social communication, new media, language uses in the media, communication and cultural policies, social and national identities, gender studies, sports and leisure, tourism and heritage, among other related issues. CJCS publishes double-blind peer-reviewed articles and its aims and scope cover not only Catalan media and cultural systems but also other social contexts.

Issue 11.1


The eSports ecosystem: Stakeholders and trends in a new show business
José Agustín Carrillo Vera and Juan Miguel Aguado Terrón

From Action Art to Artivism on Instagram: Relocation and instantaneity for a new geography of protest Asunción Bernárdez Rodal, Graciela Padilla Castillo and Roxana Popelka Sosa Sánchez

How tourism deals with terrorism from a public relations perspective: A content analysis of communication by destination management organizations in the aftermath of the 2017 terrorist attacks in Catalonia
Assumpció Huertas and Andrea Oliveira

Mapping media accountability in a stateless nation: The case of the Basque Country
Aitor Zuberogoitia, Eneko Bidegain and Andrés Gostín

Measuring the small in the digital landscape
Joan Sabaté and Josep Lluís Micó

The question of linguistic minorities and the debates on cultural sovereignty
Josu Amezaga-Albizu and Josu Martínez


The dark sides of sharenting
Andra Siibak and Keily Traks

Mobile creation in communication studies and the challenge of its adoption in higher education
Rafael Suárez and Mariona Grané

‘Neither male or female, just Falete’: Resistance and queerness on Spanish TV screens
R. Lucas Platero and María Rosón

Book Reviews

  * Painscapes: Communicating Pain, E. J. GonzálezPolledo and Jen Tarr
    (eds) (2018) Anna Sendra
  * Guerras simbólicas: El papel del audiovisual en la lucha contra la
    violencia de género, Maria Isabel Menéndez and Paula Illera Miguel
    (eds) (2017) Ruth Z. Yuste-Alonso
  * Barbarismos Queer y Otras Esdrújulas, R. Lucas Platero Méndez, María
    Rosón and Esther Ortega (eds) (2017) Bart Bloem Herraiz
  * Stuart Hall: Conversations, Projects and Legacies, Julian Henriques,
    David Morley and Vana Globot (eds) (2017) Sergio Villanueva Baselga
  * Framing Referendum Campaigns in the News, Marina Dekavalla (2018)
    Periodistas y Políticos en España, Andreu CaseroRipollés and Pablo
    López-Rabadán (eds) (2016) Miguel Vicente-Mariño

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