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[ecrea] New book: Sofia Coppola: The Politics of Visual Pleasure
Fri Nov 30 15:57:56 GMT 2018
New book 'Sofia Coppola: The Politics of Visual Pleasure' is out today
with Berghahn Books.
It is also available straight to paper back at the price of €19.
Some nice things a few people have said of it:
""This is a forceful and necessary feminist intervention in film theory;
Anna Backman Rogers brilliantly carves out a space for work that is
usually marginalized as pretty, as superficial, as ineffable, insisting
we reckon head-on with the politics of seeing the world through a
woman's perspective. And she does it in wonderfully straight-talking
prose that doesn't shy away from controversy, underlining how necessary
it is to tackle these questions, now more than ever." - Lauren Elkin,
author of Flâneuse: Women Walk the City in Paris, New York, Tokyo,
Venice, and London
"This work on Coppola makes a genuinely significant contribution to the
field of film studies--the writing on The Virgin Suicides is simply the
best I have read. It is a radical work, in keeping with the radical,
subversive and beautiful films it does justice to." - Lucy Bolton, Queen
Mary, University of London
"Anna Backman Rogers has produced a timely, beautifully written, and
trailblazing account of female authorship and femininity in contemporary
cinema, full of both conviction and compassion." - Davina Quinlivan,
Kingston University
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