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[ecrea] new edition of Irish Communications Review published: special issue on advertising in the Irish context
Wed Nov 30 17:24:59 GMT 2016
Irish Communications Review (15/1).
Irish Communications Review has just recently published a special issue
on advertising in the Irish context.
The special issue includes:
Editorial Introduction: Advertising Past and Present: Research in the
Irish Context <http://arrow.dit.ie/icr/vol15/iss1/1>
Neil O’Boyle and Eamon Maher
O Say Can You See? Irish Advertising Agents Look to America, 1895-1936
Colum Kenny
In Search of Identity: an Exploration of the Relationship Between
Guinness’s Advertising and Ireland’s Social and Economic Evolution
Between 1959 and 1969 <http://arrow.dit.ie/icr/vol15/iss1/3>
Patricia Medcalf
Language Change and Ideology in Irish Radio Advertising
Joan O’Sullivan
It’s Just One of Those Gender Role Things: the Woman Does the Shopping,
and the Man Fixes the Doors: Irish Advertising Students and Postfeminist
Gendered Discourses <http://arrow.dit.ie/icr/vol15/iss1/5>
Aileen O’Driscoll
Three Ireland, Two Sports, One Country: Contemporary Sports Sponsorship
and the Commercialisation of National Identity
Colm Kearns
Advertising Gastronomic Identity in an Epicurean World: the Case for
Irish Single Pot Whiskey <http://arrow.dit.ie/icr/vol15/iss1/7>
Brian Murphy
Desidero Ergo Sum (I Desire Therefore I Am): Towards a Psychoanalytic
Reading of the Advertising of Perfume <http://arrow.dit.ie/icr/vol15/iss1/8>
Eugene O’Brien
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