Archive for publications, December 2013

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[ecrea] new book: litigation communication: crisis and reputation management in the legal process

Tue Dec 10 22:24:49 GMT 2013


It is my pleasure to inform the list members about the launch of a new book on law and communication. The title has just been published by Springer International Publishing.
This account is offered in the hopes that in some small way it may 
contribute to the academic literature of Law, Socio-legal Studies and 
Public Relations into Crisis and Reputation Management in the legal process.
by Thomas Beke

Publication Date: 18 Nov 2013 | ISBN 978-3-319-01871-3 | ISBN 978-3-319-01872-0 (eBook) | DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01872-0 | Edition: 2014 | 174 pages <>
Content Level: Research

Keywords: Crisis Management - Legal and Litigation Communications - Public Relations - Reputation Management
- Insight into the collaboration of legal and communication experts

- Introduction of an adaptive business and legal culture, contending litigant parties, high-profile clients
- Explores key historical processes, important legal reforms, 
significant legal cases and personalities
As a communications and socio-legal scholar, the author intends to 
explore the evolution of a particular communications practice in the 
legal process. This book has been an objective and subjective 
intellectual journey through time and jurisdictions, respectively. This 
brief journey, a comprehensive analysis and detailed historical 
narrative, expands on examples of enactment practices of states and 
jurisdictions that support, challenge or even reject communication 
during pending litigations, in the legal process.


Part I. Theoretical Considerations

Key Terms and Concepts: Key Definitions and Distinctions on Communication in the Legal Market
Litigation Communication Theoretical Considerations

Part II. Illustration to the Evolution of Litigation Communication: England

Background to Litigation Communication in England

Evolution of Legal Case Promotion in England Before 1992

The First Formal Use of Litigation PR in London in 1992

Expansion of Litigation PR in London after 1992

Epilogue: Facebook and Twitter as Challenging Fields for Litigation PR

Chronology of Key Dates

Short Glossary of Legal Terms

The author

Dr. Thomas Beke, Researcher

Department of Communications, Media & Culture | School of Arts and Humanities | University of Stirling | SCOTLAND, UK
School of Business and Social Sciences | Buskerud University College | 
NORWAY | Bredalsveien 14. | 3511 HØNEFOSS | Tel. + 47 32 11 71 00
E-mail: (thomas.beke /at/ <mailto:(thomas.beke /at/>

E-mail: (tbekedr /at/ <mailto:(tbekedr /at/>

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