Archive for publications, February 2013

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[ecrea] New TATS COST Publication: Critical insights in European media literacy research and policy - in Media Studies 3(6), 2012

Tue Feb 12 09:12:13 GMT 2013

New publication of the COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies


MEDIA STUDIES, Vol. 3 (2012) No. 6

Media Studies is Croatian, peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal that provides an international forum for the presentation of research and advancement of discourse concerning media, communications, journalism, and public relations, within each field’s cultural, historical, political and/or economic contexts.


Critical insights in European media literacy research and policy

Online open access:

This special issue has resulted from the work of the Task Force on “Media Literacy” of the Working group 1 of the COST Action IS0906 “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies”.

Special Issue Guest Editors

Sonia Livingstone London School of Economics and Political Science, UK

Tao Papaioannou University of Nicosia, Cyprus

María del Mar Grandío Pérez Catholic University San Antonio, Spain

Christine W. Wijnen University of Vienna, Austria

This issue

This special issue includes 16 contributions from 24 authors, covering a considerable range of conceptual, methodological as well as educational issues in the recent media literacy discourse.

Table of Contents

Sonia Livingstone, Tao Papaioannou, María del Mar Grandío Pérez and Christine W. Wijnen: Critical Insights in European Media Literacy Research and Policy


Divina Frau-Meigs: Transliteracy as the New Research Horizon for Media and Information Literacy

Sian Barber: Understanding Online Audio-Visual Content: A European Initiative, Media Literacy and the User

Senta Pfaff-Rüdiger, Claudia Riesmeyer and Anna Kümpel: Media Literacy and Developmental Tasks: A Case Study in Germany

Uwe Hasebrink: The Role of the Audience within Media Governance: The Neglected Dimension of Media Literacy

Paolo Celot: EAVI Studies on Media Literacy in Europe

Monica E. Bulger: Measuring Media Literacy in a National Context: Challenges of Definition, Method and Implementation


Hans Martens: Arguing for a Contextual Approach to European Media Education Research

Jos de Haan and Nathalie Sonck: Digital Skills in Perspective: A Critical Reflection on Research and Policy

Carmen Marta-Lazo and María del Mar Grandío Pérez: Critical Insights in Media Literacy Research in Spain: Educational and Political Challenges

Ben Andrews and Julian McDougall: Curation Pedagogy for Media Studies: (Further) Towards the Inexpert


Peter Lunt, Sonia Livingstone, Media Regulation: Governance and the Interests of Citizens and Consumers – Fausto Colombo

Lana Ciboci, Igor Kanižaj, Danijel Labaš (eds), Djeca medija: Od marginalizacije do senzacije / Children of the Media: From Marginalization to Sensation – Stjepka Popovic'

Gerison Lansdown, Vidi me, c(uj me: Vodic( za uporabu konvencije UN-a o pravima osoba s invaliditetom i promicanje prava djece / See Me, Hear Me: A Guide to Using the UN Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities to Promote the Rights of Children – Stjepka Popovic'

Viktorija Car (ed.), Putokazi prema slobodnim i odgovornim medijima / Guideposts to Free and Accountable Media – Lejla Turc(ilo

David Gauntlett, Making is Connecting – The Social Meaning of Creativity, from DIY and Knitting to YouTube and Web 2.0 – Neven Benko

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