Archive for publications, 2012

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[ecrea] New Book - What Newspapers, Film, and Television do Africans Living in Britain see and read?

Mon Sep 10 18:32:08 GMT 2012

What Newspapers, Film, and Television do Africans Living in Britain see and read? The media of the African diaspora
Author: Ola Ogunyemi
Publisher: Edwin Mellen Press.
*ISBN10: * 0-7734-2920-4 *ISBN13: * 978-0-7734-2920-8 *Pages: * 352 *Year: * 2012

Book Synopsis:

Sociologists can learn a lot from studying a group's media consumption patterns. In this study, Ogunyemi researches what stories are most resonant with Black Africans living in England. The book tries to discover whether or not this minority group adopts normative approaches to media coverage, by not only consuming but participating in media. It also discusses the omission of African stories by the mainstream media in England. This book will contribute to understanding ethnic media trends.

 Table of Contents

Foreword by Professor Martin Conboy

Chapter 1: Introduction: Theorizing the Media of African Diasporas

Chapter 2: Organization and Production Practices

Chapter 3: Content: Professional Values, Orientation and Connective Functions

Chapter 4: Audiences: Media Habits and Migratory Experiences

Chapter 5: Internet Habits, Representation and Participation

Conclusion: Future: What does the future hold for media of African Diasporas?



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