Archive for publications, 2012

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[ecrea] Issue of French journal on Internet history

Mon Jun 11 12:26:31 GMT 2012

The French Society for Media History *has just published the 18th issue of its journal: "Le Temps des Médias" (the time of the media). This thematic issue, edited by Jerome Bourdon (Tel Aviv University, and CSI-Paris) and Valérie Schafer (CNRS), is devoted to the theme "History of the Internet/Internet in History".*

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*Some twenty articles (mostly by French, but also by American and Danish researchers) are devoted to the history of the infrastructures, the content and the uses of the Internet, and also include methodological analyses on the way the Internet is changing the very notion of media history. The authors come from variety of disciplines, including the history of technology, information sciences, sociology and political sciences. Although the focus is on France, there are American perspectives (on the birth of the Internet, on Usenet), and global ones (on Internet governance). *

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* */*Le Temps des Médias. Revue d'histoire*/*/ /**.* Printemps 2012 <tel:2012> . 290 pages . ISBN : 978-2-84736-638-9 . 25 EUR. _Contact éditeur_ : Frédéric Durand Tel 01 46 34 42 32.* *(fdurand /at/ <mailto:(fdurand /at/>* *

Download the table of contents (in French): link <>.

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